Lasso Englisch 3 Let‘s check
Lasso Englisch 3. Pupil’s Book, Einlegeheft Schulbuchnummer: 220742 Mit Bescheid des Bundesministeriums für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung vom 19. November 2024, GZ BMBWF 2024-0.240.647 gemäß § 14 Absatz 2 und 5 des Schulunterrichtsgesetzes, BGBl. Nr. 472/86, und gemäß den derzeit geltenden Lehrplänen als für den Unterrichtsgebrauch an Volksschulen für die 3. Klasse im Unterrichtsgegenstand Englisch (Lebende Fremdsprache) (Lehrplan 2023) geeignet erklärt. Dieses Werk wurde auf der Grundlage eines zielorientierten Lehrplans verfasst. Konkretisierung, Gewichtung und Umsetzung der Inhalte erfolgen durch die Lehrerinnen und Lehrer. Die Bearbeitung erfolgte auf Grundlage von COLOUR LAND 3 PUPIL’S BOOK, Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 1. Auflage 2020, ISBN 978-3-12-589451-8 (Autoren Ines Barth, Ann-Kathrin Hoffmann, René Marth, Marlene Möritz; Auf der Grundlage der Ausgabe von Anja Auerswald, Ines Barth, Rene Marth) und COLOUR LAND 3 ACTIVITY BOOK mit Audio-CD, Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 1. Auflage 2020, ISBN 978-3-12-589452-5 (Autoren Ines Barth, Dresden; Ann-Kathrin Hoffmann, Leipzig; René Marth, Freital; Marlene Möritz, Leipzig; Mit Beiträgen von Anja Auerswald, Ines Barth, Rene Marth) und COLOUR LAND 3 PUPIL’S BOOK, Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 1. Auflage 2013, ISBN 978-3-12-589411-2 (Autoren: Anja Auerswald, Ines Barth, René Marth) und COLOUR LAND 3 ACTIVITY BOOK mit Audio-CD und Übungssoftware, Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 1. Auflage 2013, ISBN: 978-3-12-589413-6 (AutorInnen: Anja Auerswald, Ines Barth, René Marth) Liebe Schülerin, lieber Schüler, du bekommst dieses Schulbuch von der Republik Österreich für deine Ausbildung. Bücher helfen nicht nur beim Lernen, sondern sind auch Freunde fürs Leben. Kopierverbot Wir weisen darauf hin, dass das Kopieren zum Schulgebrauch aus diesem Buch verboten ist – § 42 Abs. 6 Urheberrechtsgesetz: „Die Befugnis zur Vervielfältigung zum eigenen Schulgebrauch gilt nicht für Werke, die ihrer Beschaffenheit und Bezeichnung nach zum Schul- oder Unterrichtsgebrauch bestimmt sind.“ Umschlagbild: SHansche / Getty Images - iStockphoto Umschlagillustration: Oliver Eger, Augsburg 1. Auflage (Druck 0001) © by Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart, Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 2013/2020 © Österreichischer Bundesverlag Schulbuch GmbH & Co. KG, Wien 2025 Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Jede Art der Vervielfältigung, auch auszugsweise, gesetzlich verboten. Redaktion: Maria Stork-Schausberger, Wien Herstellung: Oliver Stolz, Wien Umschlaggestaltung: Oliver Stolz, Wien Layout: Moritz Lang – Büro für Gestaltung, Offenburg Satz: Manuela Strasser, Wien Druck: Paul Gerin GmbH & Co KG, Wolkersdorf ISBN 978-3-209-13610-7 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
Nellys Tipps zum Sprachenlernen ....................................................................................... 2 My words: Classroom phrases ............................................................................................. 4 Unit 1: Let’s check: At school ............................................................................................... 6 School things ........................................................................................................................... 7 Languages in our classroom ................................................................................................ 8 Unit 2: Let’s check: Me and my family ............................................................................... 9 My family tree ......................................................................................................................... 10 Family and feelings ................................................................................................................ 11 Unit 3: Let’s check: Toys and hobbies ................................................................................ 12 At the flea market .................................................................................................................. 13 Hobbies ..................................................................................................................................... 14 Unit 4: Let’s check: The circle of the year ......................................................................... 15 Weather clock ......................................................................................................................... 16 Weather observation ............................................................................................................. 17 Unit 5: Let’s check: My body and my clothes ................................................................... 18 Move your body! ..................................................................................................................... 19 Where clothes come from .................................................................................................... 20 Unit 6: Let’s check: At home ................................................................................................ 21 Rooms and furniture .............................................................................................................. 22 Make a room in a box ............................................................................................................ 23 Unit 7: Let’s check: Food and drink .................................................................................... 24 Healthy food ............................................................................................................................ 25 Unit 8: Let’s check: Animals ................................................................................................. 26 What pets need ...................................................................................................................... 27 Endangered animals ............................................................................................................. 28 Lösungen .................................................................................................................................. 29 My English book 1 ................................................................................................................... 31 Lasso Englisch 3 Let’s check Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
2 Nelly’s Tipps zum Sprachenlernen Du verstehst schon viele englische Wörter und Sätze. Nelly hat noch ein paar Tipps: Achte auf die Bewegungen und den Gesichtsausdruck der sprechenden Person. Achte auf bekannte Wörter. Manchmal helfen dir auch Bilder oder Gegenstände, um zu verstehen, was du hörst. Achte auf Wörter, die gleich oder ähnlich wie deutsche Wörter sind. T-shirt family Hör genau zu und sprich die Wörter richtig nach. Achte auf bekannte Wörter. Du kannst schon viele englische Wörter und Sätze sagen. sagen. Nelly hat noch ein paar Tipps: Denke an Nellys Frage- und Antwortkarten, wenn du mit anderen sprichst. How old are you? I am 8 years old. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
3 Achte auf bekannte Wörter. Achte auf Wörter, die gleich oder ähnlich geschrieben werden wie deutsche Wörter. September fish September Fisch Manchmal helfen dir auch Bilder, um einen Text besser zu verstehen. Du kannst schon einige englische Wörter und Sätze schreiben. schreiben. Nelly hat noch ein paar Tipps: Schlag unbekannte Wörter nach. ruler cheese dog Lies das Wort und präge es dir ein. Schreibe das Wort auswendig auf und vergleiche anschließend. Achte darauf, dass die meisten Nomen (Namenwörter) klein geschrieben werden. Markiere schwierige Stellen. blue, father, … Du kannst bereits einige englische Wörter und Sätze lesen. lesen. Nelly hat noch ein paar Tipps: Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
4 My words Classroom phrases Listen. Open your book, please. Colour in. Talk to your partner. Write down. Draw. Paint. Be quiet, please. Sit in a circle, please. Come to the board, please. Cut out. Stand up, please. Sit down, please. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
5 Find the pictures Sorry, I do not understand. Raise your hand. Can you help me, please? Please write it down. What is the correct answer? Please put it in the bin. Can I go to the toilet, please? Put it on your table, please. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
6 At school ▶ SB Seite 6–11 Let’s check! Read the words and draw lines with a ruler. 1 Word search. Fill in the correct words. 2 folder book glue pen pencil case ruler sharpener scissors rubber Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
7 At school ▶ SB Seite 6–11 School things What is in the school bag? Write it down. 1 bookpencilrubberrulerpensharpener Take care of your school things! Read and say aloud. 2 Read and learn the chant “Recycle it”. 3 Do not break your ruler! Before you throw it in the bin, wait a minute – think again. Can you use it another day? Can you use it another way? Listen to what we want to say. Don’t just throw your things away! Recycle it – use it again! Do not waste your glue! Take care of your books and paper! Separate waste! Put the lid on your pen! Drink water! Bring a lunch box! Put it in the correct bin, please! Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
8 At school * native language = Familiensprache ▶ SB Seite 4 Languages in our classroom What languages do we have in our class? Add. German, English, Serbian, … 1 Guessing game: Tell the class a word in your native language *. Let the children guess what it means. Use body language to help them. 2 name language word English German Selena Turkish massa table Tisch How was the unit? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
9 Me and my family ▶ SB Seite 12–17 Fill in the words. 2 father mother book sister happy angry brother sad brother grandmother sister rubber father happy brother angry mother sad sister Let’s check! Listen, read and colour in. 1 A Hi, my name is Ann. This is my family. My father has got a blue T-shirt. My grandmother has got a yellow T-shirt. My sister has got a pink T-shirt. My brother has got a green T-shirt. Find the odd one out. 3 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
10 Me and my family ▶ SB Seite 12–17 My family tree Who belongs to your family? Create a family tree with drawings or photos. 1 Present your family tree to the class. 2 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
11 Me and my family me grandpa grandma halfsister sister brother father cousin girlfriend stepmother stepbrother stepsister halfbrother mother uncle aunt boyfriend ▶ SB Seite 15 Family and feelings What is a patchwork * family? Look at the pictures. Talk about different families you know. 1 Feelings: Look at the emoticons and connect them with the words. 2 happy tired angry sad lovely scared What makes me happy: What makes me sad: What makes me angry: * Flickwerk How was the unit? Look up new words in a dictionary. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
12 ▶ SB Seite 18–23 Toys and hobbies Let’s check! I like … I do not like … Listen and number. 1 B Writing about toys: 3 My name is . I have got a . My favourite toys are my and my . toy car toy plane toy train ball skateboard music player story book doll teddy bear computer game skipping rope jigsaw puzzle 1 Repeat the five sentences. 2 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
13 ▶ SB Seite 20–23 Toys and hobbies At the flea market You can buy used toys at a flea market *. 1 Look at the pictures and connect the words. Do you like the toys? Would you buy them? Talk to a partner: “I like the globe. It costs five €. I can find Australia on it.” 2 hula hoop 3 badminton set 2,50 globe 5 Game Boy 9 Lego 4 roller skates 8 CD 1,50 book 50 c * Flohmarkt Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
14 ▶ SB Seite 18–23 Toys and hobbies Hobbies Read about Richard’s, Lily’s and Achmed’s favourite hobbies. Then answer the questions! 1 Richard: My favourite hobby when I was a boy was fishing. fishing. I went fishing with my dad. We caught some really big fish together! I still go fishing now! Achmed: My favourite hobby is dancing. I love it! I go to dance class every Wednesday. I always have a lot of fun! Dancing keeps me fit too! Richard Lily Achmed Who does the hobby every Wednesday? Who does the hobby outdoors? Who does the hobby at home? Who has a dad with the same hobby? Who keeps fit with the hobby? Who does the hobby with friends? Lily: My favourite hobby is playing computer games. I love adventure games. I play them with my friends. We have fun when we play them! How was the unit? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
15 The circle of the year ▶ SB Seite 24–26 Let’s check! 7 days of the week: Fill in the missing letters. 1 Put the months into the correct order. 2 What are the names of the 4 seasons? 3 How many days, months, seasons and weeks do we have in one year? days = 1 year weeks = 1 year months = 1 year seasons = 1 year 4 M nday Tue day W dnes ay Th r day F ida S turd y Su day JanuaryOctoberMarchMayJuneDecemberJulyAugustFebruarySeptemberNovemberApril 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
16 The circle of the year ▶ SB Seite 27–29 Weather clock Make a weather clock. 1 Talk to your partner. 2 rainy sunny cloudy foggy snowy windy stormy What is the weather like? It is sunny. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
17 The circle of the year ▶ SB Seite 24–29 Weather observation Fill in the weather chart: What is the weather like this week? 1 Check on the internet: What is the weather like today: (date) In London it is . In Pretoria it is . In Washington . In Canberra . In Dublin . 2 The weather in: (address) date day weather degrees °C clothes hobbies 14.01.2025 Sunday snowy and sunny - 2,5 °C jacket, hat, gloves skiing How was the unit? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
18 ▶ SB Seite 30–34 My body and my clothes Let’s check! Help Nelly. What should she put on? 1 What are they wearing? Do a partner dictation and colour in. 2 What should I put on my feet? shorts umbrella trainers What should I put on my hands? gloves hat scarf What should I put on my head? scarf cap T-shirt Nelly, put on your …! Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
19 ▶ SB Seite 33 My body and my clothes Move your body! Play the game Simon says!. 1. One person is Simon. Come to the front. 2. Everyone stands up. 3. Simon gives a command and shows a movement. For example: • “Simon says hands up!“ • “Simon says touch your head!“ • “Simon says sit down!“ 4. Copy Simon when he says “Simon says … .“ If Simon does not say “Simon says“, then you must not copy Simon! If you do, then you have to sit down. 5. The last player standing is the winner! 1 Play stop dance: Move your body to some music. When the music stops: 2 Run on the spot. Do sit ups. Jump up and down. Do press ups. Bend your knees. Circle your arms. Spin around. Simon says, hands up! Take a deep bow. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
20 ▶ SB Seite 30, 31, 32, 34 My body and my clothes Where clothes come from Match the clothes and their materials. 1 Ask in class or find the words in a dictionary: 2 Discuss in your class. polyester wool cotton leather silk How was the unit? second hand: clothes swap: fair fashion: upcycling: Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
21 At home ▶ SB Seite 36–40 Let’s check! A quiz. Find the correct sentences and circle the letters. 1 C 1. The bed is in the bedroom. N The bed is in the kitchen. A Nelly is in the bedroom. B 2. This is in the kitchen. F This is in the bathroom. E This is in the bedroom. G 3. Nelly is in John’s room. L A red book is in John’s room. L A desk is in John’s room. Y 4. Mr Black is in the living room. S A lamp is in the living room. H An armchair is in the living room. O 5. A dog is in the kitchen. U A table is in the kitchen. S Nelly is in the kitchen. U 6. Squeaky is on the bed. B Squeaky is in the bathroom. K Squeaky is happy. E Solution: N ’ Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
22 At home * sink ▶ SB Seite 36–38 Rooms and furniture Find the missing letters. 1 fr d e c p o rd o en a mch ir s o er to let was bas n * t ble Which room should you go into? Write the answer. Play the dialogue with a partner. 2 I want to go to sleep. Go to the be ! I want to eat something. Go to ! I want to brush my teeth. Go ! I want to watch a film. ! I want to take off my ! shoes and my coat. bathroom hall living room kitchen bedroom Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
23 At home * Ich seh, ich seh, was du nicht siehst. ▶ SB Seite 36–40 Make a room in a box Create your dream room and present it. 1 Play the game I spy with my little eye.* 2 1. Take a shoebox. 1 2. Paint the inside of the shoebox in your favourite colour. 2 3. Cut out windows and a door. 3 4. Decorate your room. 4 How was the unit? This is my room in a box. It has one window, blue … Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
24 Food and drink ▶ SB Seite 42–47 Let’s check! What is on the table? Tick the words. 1 Fill in the crossword puzzle. 2 oranges milk eggs butter yoghurt cheese ham sausages apples hot chocolate cornflakes toast bananas muesli bread tea jam orange juice bacon and eggs Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
25 Look at the food. Is it healthy or unhealthy? Circle. Then tell a partner. 1 Food and drink ▶ SB Seite 42–47 Healthy food What is in your lunchbox today? Write or draw. Is it healthy? 2 Read the story and fill in the missing words. 3 tomato pizza healthy lemonade hungry supermarket William is a big boy. He eats a lot of food. He is so h ! He eats pizzas, burgers and chips. He drinks l and iced tea. He never eats h food like fruit and vegetables. William buys a lot of food at the s . His best friend, Timothy, says: “You will turn into a big p if you eat so much unhealthy food!” One morning, William wakes up with t sauce and cheese growing on his head. I think that William should listen to Timothy. How was the unit? The sweets are unhealthy. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
26 ▶ SB Seite 48–53 Animals Let’s check! How many animals can you find in the snakes? Look and write. 1 Tell a partner: “There are three dogs. There …” 2 3 dogs h Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
27 * pets = Haustiere ▶ SB Seite 51–53 Animals What pets need Circle the animals that are pets *. 1 Tick the things that pets need. Then answer the questions. 2 What do pets need? Pets do not need: tiger sheep tortoise, turtle dog cat pig hamster clothes phone water house / place food care time music vet elephant Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
28 * endangered = bedroht Animals Endangered animals Some animals are endangered *. Read about two European animals that need our help! 1 Answer the questions! Discuss in your class. 1. How old can European eels become? 2. Where do Bavarian pine voles live? 3. Do these animals need our help? (Why?) 2 How was the unit? The European eel is a very special fish. It can become over a 100 years over a 100 years old! European eel numbers have dropped rapidly because too many of the eels were caught and eaten. They need our help! The Bavarian pine vole is tiny. It only grows up to 10 cm. It lives in the forests of the Austrian Alps. It does not like people working in the forests. There are only about 200 Bavarian pine voles left in the wild. They need our help! Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
29 My words S. 5: Sorry, I do not understand. Can you help me, please? What is the correct answer? Can I go to the toilet, please? Raise your hand. Please write it down. Please put it in the bin. Put it on your table, please. Unit 1 S. 6/1: S. 6/2: waagrecht: glue, pencil case, sharpener, ruler senkrecht: rubber, pen, scissors S. 7/1: book, pencil, rubber, ruler, pen, sharpener, Unit 2 S. 9/1: father – blue; grandmother – yellow, sister – pink, brother – green S. 9/2: waagrecht: happy, brother, sister senkrecht: sad, mother, father, angry S. 9/3: book, rubber, brother S. 11/2: happy , sad , tired , lovely , angry , scared Unit 3 S. 12/1: 1. I like skateboarding. 2. I don’t like listening to music. 3. I like singing. 4. I don’t like swimming. 5. I like playing on my computer. S. 13: hula hoop, book, CD, Game Boy, badminton set, Lego, globe, roller skates S. 14: Wednesday – Achmed, outdoors – Richard, at home – Lily, with dad – Richard, keep fit – Achmed, with friends – Lily Unit 4 S. 15/1: o, s, e, d, u, s, r, y, a, a, n S. 15/2: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December 15/3: spring, summer, autumn, winter 15/4: 365 days, 12 months, 52 weeks, 4 seasons Unit 5 18/1: trainers, gloves, cap folder ruler sharpener scissors rubber glue book pen pencil case Lösungen Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
30 Lösungen 20/1: leather; wool; cotton; polyester; silk 20/2: 1: Gebrauchtes, aus zweiter Hand 2: Kleidertausch 3: Faire Mode 4: Aufwertung Unit 6 21: NELLY’S HOUSE 22/1: armchair, toilet, shower, washbasin, fridge, oven, cupboard, table 22/2: bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, living room, hall Unit 7 24/1: milk, eggs, butter, yoghurt, cornflakes, toast, bananas, bread, cheese, hot chocolate, tea, jam, orange juice, bacon and eggs 24/2: waagrecht: bread, tea, cheese senkrecht: butter, ham, egg 25/1: salad, apple, muesli, chicken, tomato 25/3: hungry, lemonade, healthy, supermarket, pizza, tomato Unit 8 26: 3 dogs, 2 hamsters, 3 rabbits, 2 fish, 1 pig, 3 cats, 2 sheep, 3 horses, 2 ducks, 3 frogs, 2 birds, 3 spiders 27/1: dog, cat, tortoise, hamster 27/2: food, water, care time, house/ place, vet; Pets do not net need: clothes, music, phone 28/2: 1. over 100 years 2. In the forests of the Austrian Alps 3. Yes, they need our help! Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
31 Goodbye My English book 1 My favourite colour(s) is/are . I am a . My favourite toy is a . I have got brother(s) and sister(s). 12 3 10 5 8 h h h hh h My English book Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
32 My English book Hello. My name is . I am years old. I like . I don’t like . I live in . In my pencil case there is a . My friend’s name is . I like my . h h h hh h 11 2 9 4 7 6 Find English book 2 online: Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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Lasso Englisch SB 3 Einlegeheft Schulbuchnummer 220742 ISBN 978-3-209-13610-7 ISBN 978-3-209-13610-7
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