Lasso Englisch Pupil´s Book 3
Lasso Englisch 3. Pupil’s Book, Schülerbuch Schulbuchnummer: 220742 Mit Bescheid des Bundesministeriums für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung vom 19. November 2024, GZ BMBWF 20240.240.647 gemäß § 14 Absatz 2 und 5 des Schulunterrichtsgesetzes, BGBl. Nr. 472/86, und gemäß den derzeit geltenden Lehrplänen als für den Unterrichtsgebrauch an Volksschulen für die 3. Klasse im Unterrichtsgegenstand Englisch (Lebende Fremdsprache) (Lehrplan 2023) geeignet erklärt. Dieses Werk wurde auf der Grundlage eines zielorientierten Lehrplans verfasst. Konkretisierung, Gewichtung und Umsetzung der Inhalte erfolgen durch die Lehrerinnen und Lehrer. Die Bearbeitung erfolgte auf Grundlage von COLOUR LAND 3 PUPIL’S BOOK, Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 1. Auflage 2020, ISBN 978-3-12-589451-8 (Autoren Ines Barth, Ann-Kathrin Hoffmann, René Marth, Marlene Möritz; Auf der Grundlage der Ausgabe von Anja Auerswald, Ines Barth, Rene Marth) und COLOUR LAND 3 ACTIVITY BOOK mit Audio-CD, Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 1. Auflage 2020, ISBN 978-3-12-589452-5 (Autoren Ines Barth, Dresden; Ann-Kathrin Hoffmann, Leipzig; René Marth, Freital, Marlene Möritz, Leipzig; Mit Beiträgen von Anja Auerswald, Ines Barth, Rene Marth) und COLOUR LAND 3 PUPIL’S BOOK, Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 1. Auflage 2013, ISBN 978-3-12-589411-2 (Autoren: Anja Auerswald, Ines Barth, René Marth) und COLOUR LAND 3 ACTIVITY BOOK mit Audio-CD und Übungssoftware, Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 1. Auflage 2013, ISBN: 978-3-12-589413-6 (AutorInnen: Anja Auerswald, Ines Barth, René Marth) Liebe Schülerin, lieber Schüler, du bekommst dieses Schulbuch von der Republik Österreich für deine Ausbildung. Bücher helfen nicht nur beim Lernen, sondern sind auch Freunde fürs Leben. Kopierverbot Wir weisen darauf hin, dass das Kopieren zum Schulgebrauch aus diesem Buch verboten ist – § 42 Abs. 6 Urheberrechtsgesetz: „Die Befugnis zur Vervielfältigung zum eigenen Schulgebrauch gilt nicht für Werke, die ihrer Beschaffenheit und Bezeichnung nach zum Schul- oder Unterrichtsgebrauch bestimmt sind.“ Umschlagbild: SHansche / Getty Images - iStockphoto Umschlagillustration: Oliver Eger, Augsburg 1. Auflage (Druck 0001) © by Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart, Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 2013 / 2020 © Österreichischer Bundesverlag Schulbuch GmbH & Co. KG, Wien 2025 Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Jede Art der Vervielfältigung, auch auszugsweise, gesetzlich verboten. Redaktion: Maria Stork-Schausberger, Wien Herstellung: Oliver Stolz, Wien Umschlaggestaltung: Oliver Stolz, Wien Layout: Moritz Lang – Büro für Gestaltung, Offenburg Satz: Manuela Strasser, Wien Druck: Paul Gerin GmbH & Co KG, Wolkersdorf ISBN 978-3-209-13610-7 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
Lasso Englisch 3 Pupil’s Book Ines Barth Andrew Hogg René Marth Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
2 two Getting to know your LASSO English book Story – Each unit starts with a picture story. – Important words are labelled . – The audio symbol refers to the matching audio track. Exercise Every unit includes two pages with mixed exercises around the topic. Many of the exercises refer to a spoken audio text, chant or song. Talking time The dialogue page should guide and encourage you to speak English. Reading and writing On the Reading and writing page you will find more exercises to practice your reading and writing skills according to the unit. Booklet “Let’s check” The little booklet in your schoolbook includes a reflection on your knowledge about a unit and some extra tasks to work on. 26 twenty-six The circle of the year Listen to the calendar song. Point at words you understand. 25, 26 1 Fill in the seasons and the months. 2 Which season do you like best? I like best. When is your birthday? My is in . 4 Seasons and months October autumn July seasons winter, spring, summer, autumn months January, February, March, April, … January February March April June August September November Say the rhyme and swing your arms around. 3 Seasons turn like a big round ring: summer, autumn, winter and spring. ▶ Find the words on page 69/70. December October July May Lasso_English_SB3_CC22_K7.indd 26 26.11.24 09:50 17 seventeen Ben brother John brother Mr Black father Mrs Black mother Lily sister Look at the family tree. 1 Read the sentences. Tick yes or no. 2 Reading and writing Write about a family member: 3 Ben has got a brother. His name is John. yes no Lily has got a sister. Her name is Nelly. yes no Ben has got a mother. Her name is Lily. yes no Lily has got a father. His name is Mr Black. yes no Mrs Black has got a brother. His name is Ben. yes no John has got a sister. Her name is Lily. yes no Mr Black’s father is Lily’s, Ben’s and John’s grandfather. yes no This is my . He / she is y old. She /he feels . He / she lives in . speaks . His / her favourite colour is . Lasso_English_SB3_CC22_K7.indd 17 26.11.24 09:51 46 forty-six Food and drink Interview three classmates: “Do you like …?” “Yes, I do. / No, I do not.” 1 Talking time At the restaurant: Act out the dialogue with a partner. 2 names pizza spaghetti salad fish fingers potato chips rice ice cream apples What would you like to eat? What would you like to drink? It is … pounds and … pence, please. How much is it? I would like … Here you are. Enjoy your meal. Nelly’s conversation tip What would you like to drink / to eat? Lasso_English_SB3_CC22_K8.indd 46 03.12.24 15:57 16 The circle of the year ▶ SB Seite 27–29 Weather clock Make a weather clock. 1 Talk to your partner. 2 rainy sunny cloudy foggy snowy windy stormy What is the weather like? It is sunny. Lasso_Englisch_3_Einlegeheft_K6_CC22.indd 16 17.09.24 12:20 13 thirteen 2 ▶ Listen again and find out: • Who is Ben? • Who is Lily? • How is Nelly? dog grandfather grandmother mother brother little brother scooter swing Look and say • What are the children playing? • What are the children wearing? • What toys can you see? • What animals can you see? • Where is the cat? Lasso_English_SB3_CC22_RZ.indd 13 05.12.24 12:38 12 twelve Me and my family 1 ▶ Listen to the story. 11, 12 The Black family sister door bird pond frog flowers father cat apple juice Lasso_English_SB3_CC22_RZ.indd 12 05.12.24 12:38 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
3 three Symbols: Read. Talk to your partner. Listen. Talk /Say. Write down/Fill in. Tick. Circle. Draw lines. Colour in /Draw. Number. Point. Sing. Move. Make. Search the internet. Getting to know your LASSO English book ............................................... 2–3 Welcome pages ................................................................................................ 4–5 At school ............................................................................................................ 6–11 Me and my family ............................................................................................ 12–17 Toys and hobbies ............................................................................................. 18–23 The circle of the year ..................................................................................... 24–29 My body and my clothes ............................................................................... 30–35 At home .............................................................................................................. 36–41 Food and drink ................................................................................................. 42–47 Animals .............................................................................................................. 48–53 Celebration time .............................................................................................. 54–67 My words ........................................................................................................... 68–72 Inhalt How did you feel, working through this unit? Teacher’s comments Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
4 four Look at the map. Find and colour in: Austria, Great Britain, Bosnia, … 03 Nelly song 01 Hello children 02 Welcome Welcome to Great Britain - Welcome to class 3. Write about yourself: My name is . I am from . comes from . 1 friend country Hello! My name is Nelly. I come from Great Britain. This is my flag: 2 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
5 five English words you know Look at the pictures, read the words and draw lines. 1 skateboard toast ball burger computer shoe jeans tablet Listen to the colour song. Colour in the spots. Then sing the song. 2 04 Colour song Partner dictation Tell your partner: “Colour number one is blue / red …” 3 05 Colour rap 1 5 3 2 7 4 6 9 8 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
6 six At school 1 ▶ Listen to the story. In the classroom table pencil tablet box teacher calendar flag laptop mobile phone books desk bookshelf wheelchair pencil case 06 07 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
7 seven 2 ▶ Listen again and find out: • What is the teacher’s name? • What can Ben not find? • What has Nelly got? board book chair sponge pupil globe general-waste paper organic rubber + ruler folder schoolbag Look and say • How many children can you see? • What is on the desks? • What colour is Sally’s book? • What waste bins can you see? • What is the weather like? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
8 eight At school Find the school things and colour in the picture. 1 School things Listen and tick: What have Ben and Jenny got in their schoolbags? Ben has got a … in his schoolbag. Jenny has got a … in her schoolbag. 2 08 a = ein oder eine ▶ Find the words on page 68. sharpener folder pen pencil case scissors pencil book schoolbag glue stick ruler Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
9 nine At school How many … can you see? Count. 1 Listen, read and say the rhyme. 2 09 Let’s get ready for school. Pencil and rubber coloured pencil, schoolbag sch-sch sharpener. Coloured pencil, scissors K-k coloured pencil, pencil case. 2 I see two schoolbags. Stand up and move to the classroom rap. 3 10 Book, ruler, shelf, folder Classroom, classroom rap. Chair, glue, board, table Classroom, classroom rap. I say class, you say room: Class room. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
10 ten At school Point at a school thing and ask your partner. 1 Talking time Act out the dialogue. Use your school things. 2 Colour in picture 1. 3 Partner dictation for picture 2 Tell your partner: “Colour the pen in …” 4 red pink green blue orange yellow What is this? This is a … 4. You are welcome. 1. May I have your pencil, please? 3. Thank you. 2. Yes, here you are. 1 2 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
11 eleven What do Sarah, Amir, Jack and Marija have on their desks? 1 Reading and writing Look at the pictures and answer the questions. 1. Who has got a red pencil case? Sarah has got a red pencil case. Jack has got a red 2. Who has got a blue ruler? has got a 3. Who has got a green book? 4. Who has got a rubber? 5. Who has got a pink sharpener? 6. Who has got a white pencil case? 2 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
12 twelve Me and my family 1 ▶ Listen to the story. 11, 12 The Black family sister door bird pond frog flowers father cat apple juice Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
13 thirteen 2 ▶ Listen again and find out: • Who is Ben? • Who is Lily? • How is Nelly? dog grandfather grandmother mother brother little brother scooter swing Look and say • What are the children playing? • What are the children wearing? • What toys can you see? • What animals can you see? • Where is the cat? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
14 fourteen Me and my family Answer Nelly’s questions. Fill in. 3 Listen and point to Tony’s family members. 13 1 Me and my family Say the family rhyme: 14 2 Mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers, grandmas and grandpas and so many others. One family is big, one family is small, they are the people I like best of all. I have got sister(s). My mum’s name is . My dad’s name is . What is your name? How old are you? I am years old. Have you got a sister? Have you got a brother? My name is . I have got brother(s). 1 brother – 2 brothers 1 sister – 2 sisters 0 no brother/ sister Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
15 fifteen Family members and feelings Read the new words and talk about different family members: 2 Listen and tick. Which family is it? 15 1 How is Nelly feeling? Write down. 3 sad happy angry Let’s sing the song and do the actions. If you’re happy and you know it … …, clap your hands. If you’re angry and you know it … …, stamp your feet. If you’re sad and you know it … …, say boo-hoo. 16 4 Nelly is . Nelly . . stepfather siblings pets half sister single parent patchwork family ▶ Find the words on page 68. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
16 sixteen Me and my family Talk to your partner about your siblings. 1 Talking time Talk to your schoolmates and fill in the questionnaire. 2 How many sisters have you got? I have got one sister. I do not have a sister. I have got a step brother. name age sister(s) brother(s) How are you feeling? Nelly’s conversation tip How many brothers / sisters have you got? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
17 seventeen Ben brother John brother Mr Black father Mrs Black mother Lily sister Look at the family tree. 1 Read the sentences. Tick yes or no. 2 Reading and writing Write about a family member: 3 Ben has got a brother. His name is John. yes no Lily has got a sister. Her name is Nelly. yes no Ben has got a mother. Her name is Lily. yes no Lily has got a father. His name is Mr Black. yes no Mrs Black has got a brother. His name is Ben. yes no John has got a sister. Her name is Lily. yes no Mr Black’s father is Lily’s, Ben’s and John’s grandfather. yes no This is my . He / she is y old. She /he feels . He / she lives in . speaks . His / her favourite colour is . Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
18 eighteen Toys and hobbies 1 ▶ Listen to the story. 17, 18 Hobbies and sports hula hooping flying a kite climbing riding a horse rope skipping playing football Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
19 nineteen 2 ▶ Listen again and find out: • What is Emily’s hobby? • Who is listening to music? • Who is on the horse? reading a book playing the guitar skateboarding riding a bike swimming listening to music doing a puzzle Look and say • What is Nelly doing? • What colour is the bike? • What season is it? • What musical instrument can you see? • What hobbies can you do in a wheelchair? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
20 twenty Toys and hobbies Listen. Colour the words you hear. 1 19 doll computer game teddy bear football television (TV) ball story book skipping rope in-line skates toy train mountain bike games console toy car book music box skateboard Toys Listen and say the rhyme. Fill in the missing words. 3 20 I’d like a mountain bike, a dog and a ball. Dear mum and dad, I think that’s all. I’d like a s r , a dog and a ball. Dear m and d , I think that’s all. I’d like a , a dog and a . . I’d like a story . Write down the correct words. 2 ▶ Find the words on page 69. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
21 twenty-one Hobbies Which of these hobbies do you like? Tick a circle. 1 Talk to your partner. I like . What do you like? 2 Who is it? Listen and say. 3 21 surfing online reading a book riding a bike playing a ball game listening to music playing a video game swimming in-line skating Ann Jim George Lorena Lorena’s hobbies are … 1 hobby – 2 hobbies Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
22 twenty-two Toys and hobbies What are Nelly’s hobbies? Talk to your partner. 1 Talking time Classroom survey digital toys Ask two friends: “Do you …?” 2 Nelly’s hobby is ... name 1. 2. Do you watch TV? yes no yes no Do you surf on the internet? yes no yes no Do you play computer games? yes no yes no Do you use google? yes no yes no Do you watch videos / films on demand? yes no yes no Do you listen to spotify / online music streaming? yes no yes no Nelly’s question • Is watching TV a hobby? • How much screen time is good for you? 1 hobby – 2 hobbies Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
23 twenty-three 1 Let’s make a recycled toy! Look at the pictures and read the instructions. Then fold a paper plane. 1 Find ideas for recycling toys online. List what you need. 2 Reading and writing Nelly’s question • What is recycling? • What material can we recycle? 4 3 2 6 5 Fold the paper in half. Fold the top corners down. Fold out the wings. They can be big! Fold the left and right sides into the middle. Fold the nose of the plane down. Fold up the tips of the wings. It is ready to fly! Push the tail up. Cut the tail with scissors. I need stick fold cut out draw glue use Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
24 twenty-four The circle of the year 1 ▶ Listen to the story. 22 The circle of the year snowman snow watering can bench bird feeder daffodils tree cat birds tulips carrot sledge nesting box 23, 24 55h7gb Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
25 twenty-five 2 ▶ Listen again and find out: • What can Lily, Ben and John do in spring? • What can Lily, Ben and John do in summer? • What can Lily, Ben and John do in autumn and winter? pumpkin sunflowers pumpkin lantern swimming pool badminton butterfly ball game swing hedgehog apples kite leaves Look and say • What flowers can you see? • What is Nelly wearing in summer? • Where is the cat? • What other animals can you see? • What toys can you see? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
26 twenty-six The circle of the year Listen to the calendar song. Point at words you understand. 25, 26 1 Fill in the seasons and the months. 2 Which season do you like best? I like best. When is your birthday? My is in . 4 Seasons and months October autumn July seasons winter, spring, summer, autumn months January, February, March, April, … January February March April June August September November Say the rhyme and swing your arms around. 3 Seasons turn like a big round ring: summer, autumn, winter and spring. ▶ Find the words on page 69/70. December October July May Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
27 twenty-seven What is the weather like? A weather song. Listen and sing. Fill in the correct numbers. Write the sentences. Talk about the weather. 27 1 2 1 It is sunny. 2 It is hot. 3 It is stormy. 4 It is foggy. 5 It is rainy. 6 It is snowy. 7 It is windy. 8 It is cloudy. 9 It is cold. Listen and point. What is Nelly wearing? 28 3 It is sunny. 1 scarf umbrella cap sunglasses kite bikini ice skates raincoat Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
28 twenty-eight The circle of the year Look at the pictures and read the text. Then talk to your partner. 1 Learn this rhyme. Then say and move to it. 2 Rain, rain, rain, falling, falling down. Drip, drop, drip, drop. Rain hits the ground. Wet, wet, wet. Let‘s go for outside play. Jumping in the puddles. Tomorrow comes a sunny day. Talking time In spring I like riding my bike. In autumn I like flying my kite. In summer I like eating ice-cream. In winter I like building a snowwoman. When it is cold, I like reading a book. When it is hot, I like swimming. In ... I like ... Nelly’s question • What is weather? • What is climate? • Why is the climate changing? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
29 twenty-nine Nelly’s mixed seasons. Match the parts of the sentences. 1 Complete the sentences. In January I can build a snowwoman . In February I can . In March . In April . In May . In June . In July . In August . In September . In October . In November . In December . 2 Reading and writing 2 go skiing 10 have a Halloween party 3 look for Easter eggs 5 ride my bike 11 fly my kite 6 eat ice cream 1 build a snowwoman 9 pick apples 12 go snowboarding 7 go swimming 8 go to the beach 4 splash in my boots January February March April May June July August September October November December Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
30 thirty My body and my clothes 1 ▶ Listen to the story. 29 Shopping at Kid’s Corner bag coat hats umbrellas pullovers jackets trousers, jeans sweatshirts hats, scarves, gloves 30 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
31 thirty-one 2 ▶ Listen again and find out: • Who is shopping? • What is Lily wearing? • What is Ben trying on? socks shirts, T-shirts shorts, skirts carrier bags shoes, boots, trainers cash desk Look and say • How many balloons can you see? • How many umbrellas can you see? • What is Nelly wearing? • What is the shop assistant wearing? • What toys can you see? • What season is it? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
32 thirty-two My body and my clothes What do you wear at school? Fill in. Talk to your partner. At school I wear my and my . What do you wear? 3 Listen and colour in the pictures. Write colour and clothing. 33 1 a green sk a T - Clothes What do pupils wear at school? Connect the words with the pictures. 2 jeans socks cap shirt pullover T-shirt shoes skirt tie trainers trousers ▶ Find the words on page 70. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
33 thirty-three My body Listen and number the pictures. Draw lines from word to picture. 34 1 Sing the song. Move to it. One finger, one thumb, keep moving … 35, 36 2 -s 1 finger – 2 fingers ! 1 foot – 2 feet fingers knees eyes mouth head arms toes body hands shoulders legs feet ears thumb nose Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
34 thirty-four My body and my clothes Throw the dice and talk to your partner. It is sunny. It is rainy. It is windy. It is snowy. It is hot. It is cold. 1 Nelly is shopping at a second hand shop. Fill in the words. Act out the dialogue with a partner. 2 Talking time It is sunny. I put on my … Mr X: Good morning. Welcome to the second hand shop! Nelly: Good m ! Mr X: Can I h you? Nelly: Yes please. I need a pair of j . Mr X: What c ? Nelly: I would like jeans. Mr X: Here you are. Nelly: Oh, they look cool! How m are they? Mr X: The jeans only cost 5 pounds. Nelly: Why are they so ch ? Mr X: Because they are second h . Nelly: Great. Here your are. Mr X: T you! help morning colour hand blue much jeans thank cheap Nelly’s question • What is second hand? • How many clothes do we need? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
35 thirty-five Read about a monster. 1 I am Elliot. I am a happy monster. I come from space. I have got a big, round head and blue, curly hair. My body is green, with four long, orange arms. I have got three yellow fingers on my hands. I do not have legs. In my face there are three small, green eyes. My nose is big, round and pink. I have got two brown teeth in my mouth. I can hear very well: I have got four ears. I like my second hand summer dress and my red story book. Can you draw Elliot the monster? 2 Reading and writing Write 5 sentences about Elliot or your own monster: My monster has got seven long pink arms. 3 number size colour body part one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten big, small, long, short red, green, brown, yellow, white, black, orange, blue teeth, eyes, horns, … 1 2 3 has © Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2021 | | Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Von dieser Druckvorlage ist die Vervielfältigung für den eigenen Unterrichtsgebrauch gestattet. Die Kopiergebühren sind abgegolten. Textquellen: Redaktion GSV, Leipzig Illustrationen: Friederike Ablang, Berlin; Axel Nicolai, Sönnebüll; Anke Fr Hesselbarth, München; Hendrik Kranenberg, Drolshagen; Liliane Oser, H 1.12: Listen and number. 3 © Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2021 | | Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Von dieser Druckvorlage ist die Vervielfältigung für den eigenen Unterrichtsgebrauch gestattet. Die Kopiergebühren sind abgegolten. Textquellen: Redaktion GSV, Leipzig Illustrationen: Friederike Ablang, Berlin; Axel Nicolai, Sönnebüll; Anke Fröhlich, Leipzig; Mascha Greune, München; Susann Hesselbarth, München; Hendrik Kranenberg, Drolshagen; Liliane Oser, Hamburg; Katja Rau, Berglen; Klett Archiv, Stuttgart 1.12: Listen and number. 3 © Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2021 | | Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Von dieser Druckvorlage ist die Vervielfältigung für den eigenen Unterrichtsgebrauch gestattet. Die Kopiergebühren sind abgegolten. Textquellen: Redaktion GSV, Leipzig Illustrationen: Friederike Ablang, Berlin; Axel Nicolai, Sönnebüll; Anke Fröhlich, Leipzig; M Hesselbarth, München; Hendrik Kranenberg, Drolshagen; Liliane Oser, Hamburg; Katja R 1.11: Listen and tick. 1.12: Listen and number. 2 3 © Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2021 | | Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Von dieser Druckvorlage ist die Vervielfältigung für den eigenen Unterrichtsgebrauch gestattet. Die Kopiergebühren sind abgegolten. Textquellen: Redaktion GSV, Leipzig Illustrationen: Friederike Ablang, Berlin; Axel Nicolai, Sönnebüll; Anke Fröhlich, Leipzig; Mascha Greune, München; Susann Hesselbarth, München; Hendrik Kranenberg, Drolshagen; Liliane Oser, Hamburg; Katja Rau, Berglen; Klett Archiv, Stuttgart 1.11: Listen and tick. 1.12: Listen and number. 2 3 Extra: Listen and draw a monster. Track 75 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
36 thirty-six At home 1 ▶ Listen to the story. 38 At home children’s room bedroom attic living room hall stairs door bathroom kitchen 39 55p23s Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
37 thirty-seven 2 ▶ Listen again and find out: • How is Squeaky? • Where do Squeaky and Nelly look for the sock? • Where is the missing sock? Squeaky armchair shower mirror table cupboard wardrobe sink sofa Look and say • Which rooms are upstairs? • What is the “attic”? • What animal is Squeaky? • What toys are in the children’s room? • What shoes is Nelly wearing? shelf lamp bed Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
38 thirty-eight At home Word search. Find the words. Colour them. 1 Listen to the chant “This funny house”, then do the chant. 40 2 The is in the living room. The is in the children’s room. The is in the kitchen. The is in the bedroom. The walls are painted yellow. This funny house is upside down. The is at the door. The is on the floor. The is on two chairs. The is on the stairs. The telly is on the roof. I think I’d better move! Rooms and furniture armchair lamp wardrobe chair table desk oven sofa cupboard bed fridge dopkshel fwhf rb arsarmchai rkph deskhglamprdz j wardrobestable xcha i rgebedsbh f r idgedghsofaa acupboardmoven shelf ▶ Find the words on page 70. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
39 thirty-nine Where is Squeaky? Fill in the missing words. Number the pictures. 1 in under on behind in front of next to The preposition game. You need: 2 boxes, 2 balls, 2 tables, 2 teams Listen to the instructions and play the game! 2 41 1. Two teams line up in front of the tables. The tables are about 3 meters away. 2. Your teacher tells you where to put the ball. Run to the table. Try to be fast! 3. The first one to put the ball in the correct place wins a point for their team. Then line up at the back again. The next two go! 1. Squeaky is the shelf. 2. Squeaky is the bed. 3. Squeaky is the table. 4. Squeaky is the wardrobe. 5. Squeaky is the chair. 6. Squeaky is the sofa. 1 3 2 Put the ball under the box! Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
40 forty At home Think about a dream home. Which rooms are in the home? Draw in the furniture. 1 Talk about your dream home. 2 Spot the differences. Look and say. 3 Extra: Can you write three more sentences? Talking time John’s teddy bear is on the bed. John’s teddy bear is . My dream home has got a children’s room. There is a bed and a desk and a sofa. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
41 forty-one Look at the pictures. 1 Look at the red words. Find out what they mean. Answer the questions: Who lives in a flat? lives in a . Who lives in a house? lives . Where does Steve live? Steve lives . Where does Amira live? lives . What is Steve’s favourite room? Steve’s favourite . What is Amira’s favourite room? . 3 Read the texts about Steve and Amira: 2 Hi, my name is Steve. This is my home. I live in a house in the Scottish countryside. It is a very old house. It can be cold in winter. My favourite room is the living room. It is very warm and has got a fire place. Our kitchen, living room and bathroom are on the ground floor. My bedroom and my parent’s bedroom are on the first floor. We have stairs to go up and down. Reading and writing Hello! My name is Amira and this is my home. I live in a flat in London. London is very busy but I like it. My favourite room is my bedroom. Our flat is on the 4th floor. We use the elevator to go up and down. Our flat has a living room, a kitchen, three bedrooms and a bathroom. Our flat is really modern! Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
42 forty-two Food and drink 1 ▶ Listen to the story. 42, 43 International meals fish and chips chili con carne tap water napkins till coffee Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
43 forty-three 2 ▶ Listen again and find out: • Who can you see in the picture? • What does Paul want to drink? • What is Nelly having? drinks tea tacos fried noodles cake cookies glass cutlery Look and say • How many children can you see? • Where are the meals from? • How much is a steak pie? • What drinks can you order? • What would you buy for 15 pounds? And how much is that in Euro? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
44 forty-four Food and drink Do the chant. I would like some apple juice. Together with some fish. Spaghetti with some chocolate sauce. That’s my favourite dish. 44 2 Look, listen and number. 45 3 Look and say. Connect the words with the pictures. 1 carrots ham rice toast jam peas juice spaghetti tea eggs milk potato chips apple burger fish Food and drink Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
45 forty-five Total: How much is it? ▶ Find out on page 42-43. Fill in the prices. Then listen and check. 46 2 Food and money Make a shopping list for a healthy breakfast. What can you buy for € 20? 1 3 oranges € 1 6 sausages € 3,80 honey € 6,70 6 eggs € 2,50 jam € 2,90 cornflakes € 2,10 2 tomatoes 50 c 1l milk € 1,50 cheese € 2,50 1 croissant 90 c butter € 1,90 4 apples € 1 peanut butter € 2,90 muesli € 3,20 1 kg bread € 2,80 10 carrots € 2 yoghurt 80 c 1 pack of tea € 2,20 ▶ Find the words on page 71. Nelly’s question • Are the prices correct? Ask a grown up. £ £ £ £ £ £ Extra: Write six sentences: “The pizza costs … Pounds.” British money: Pounds and Pence Austrian money: Euros and Cents Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
46 forty-six Food and drink Interview three classmates: “Do you like …?” “Yes, I do. / No, I do not.” 1 Talking time At the restaurant: Act out the dialogue with a partner. 2 names pizza spaghetti salad fish fingers potato chips rice ice cream apples What would you like to eat? What would you like to drink? It is … pounds and … pence, please. How much is it? I would like … Here you are. Enjoy your meal. Nelly’s conversation tip What would you like to drink / to eat? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
47 forty-seven Listen and read about Gregg’s and Jane’s favourite food. 47 1 Reading and writing Answer the questions: What is Gregg’s favourite food? Gregg‘s favourite . Who cooks the steak pie? Gregg‘s d . . . What is Jane’s favourite burger? . Is the burger big or small? . 2 What is your favourite dish? Tell or write about it: “My favourite dish is …” • Do you cook it? • What do you need for cooking? • Do you eat it in a restaurant? • How much does it cost? 3 Hi! My name is Gregg. I love steak pie! My dad cooks it on Sundays. We eat it with carrots, peas and potatoes. It is a traditional English meal. Dad is a brilliant cook! Hi! My name is Jane. I love American burgers. We eat them at restaurants. My favourite burger is a spicy veggie burger. But it is very big. So we eat the rest at home. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
48 forty-eight Animals 1 ▶ Listen to the story. 48, 49 At the vet guinea pig budgie hamster dog cat rabbit tortoise, turtle sheep pig rat hen goose cow 55qe3b Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
49 forty-nine 2 ▶ Listen again and find out: • What is the name of Ben’s cat? • Who is the woman with the mouse? • What is the matter with Nelly? fish spider mouse cage veterinarian Look and say • How many children can you see? • What is a vet? • Which animals can you see? • Where is the fish? • How many legs have spiders got? • What is “endangered”? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
50 fifty Animals Do the chant. 51 2 Fit for school: Move like the animals in the chant. 3 Animal sounds: Listen, point and say: “It is a …” Write the correct names. 50 1 Animals Stretch like a – jump like a . Hop like a – run like a . Swim like a – sleep like a . Kneel like a – hang like a . Climb like a – play like a . Eat like a – sit on your chair. tiger / frog fish / cat monkey / bear rabbit / dog horse / bat pig It is a duck. ▶ Find the words on page 71. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
51 fifty-one Ben Lucy Sally Harry Tom James Pets Listen and draw lines. What pets have they got? 52 1 in under on behind in front of next to cat fish dog rabbit hamster mouse Where is the cat? Say: “The cat is … the basket.” Extra: Write the six sentences. 2 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
52 fifty-two Animals Talk to your partner. 1 Talking time Complete the sentences. Then read aloud and ask your partner: “Who am I?” 2 Play a guessing game: 3 I am . I have got . I like to eat . I say . Who am I? I am . I have got . I like to eat . I say . Who am I? Useful words: black, brown, pink, grey, grass, apples, fish, corn, cat food, four legs, oink-oink, miaow-miaow, woof-woof Nelly’s conversation tip Have you got a pet? No, I do not have a pet. Yes, I have got a hamster. Have you got a pet? 55rq2d 53 I like animals Am I …? Can I …? Do I like …? Have I got …? Am I big? No, you are small. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
53 fifty-three Read the tongue twisters. 1 Dog and hen: Read the information. Colour unknown words and check with a dictionary. 2 Reading and writing Three tree turtles take turns talking tongue twisters. A little white cat likes a big black cat with a big black nose. Write about the dog or the hen. 1. The animal is . 2. It has and . 3. It eats . 4. It lives . 5. It can . 3 Europe – Australia – Asia – America farm animal cluck-cluck red comb corn, grass, seeds beak, 2 claws small eyes we use eggs and meat hen – rooster – chick short wings and feathers lay eggs brown and white can not really fly meat and bones brilliant nose bark German shepherd dog Europe soft fur very fast sharp teeth tail four legs black and brown big ears Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
54 fifty-four Celebration time Celebration times Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
55 fifty-five Let’s celebrate Halloween Carneval Silvester Diwali Easter Pancake day Valentine’s day Mother’s day / Father’s day Hannuka Birthday St. Patrick’s day Christmas Look at page 54. What does Nelly celebrate? Write the names under the pictures. 1 Do you celebrate? What do you celebrate? Make a short presentation in English or German for your class. 2 I celebrate It is in We eat We play or sing photo name of the celebration Nelly’s question • What other festivals do you know? • What do you celebrate in your class or at school? • What do we need to celebrate? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
56 fifty-six Celebration time cat spider’s web hat pumpkin witch broom spider moon lantern candles ghost Hey-ho for Halloween. All the witches can be seen. Some in black and some in green. Hey-ho for Halloween. Halloween Listen and point. Then sing the song. 55 56 57 1 Halloween comes originally from Ireland and the United States of America. Do you like Halloween? Check on the internet: Recipe for pumpkin soup. List what you need: 2 Listen and say • What’s the name of the witch? • What day is it? • What is the broom for? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
57 fifty-seven Listen to the words. Colour the words. 1 58 ghost sister cat jeans pink pumpkin bat T-shirt candle brother witch moon broom spider’s web green Halloween Colour in the witch. 2 Tell your partner. 3 The is … red green brown Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
58 fifty-eight Celebration time Halloween: Nadine’s tricky treat Read the story. 1 Fill in the correct words from the boxes. 2 Why is Nadine crying? Tick the correct answer! Nadine sees a ghost. She is scared. Nadine had too many sweets. Her tummy hurts. Nadine had a nightmare. 3 Paul is Nadine’s big (1). Paul and Nadine go trick-or-treating for (2). Paul dresses as a vampire and Nadine is a ghost! They get lots of (3). Then Paul and Nadine go home to sleep. Paul wakes up in the night. Paul hears a (4). Mum and dad can also hear it. “What is the noise?” asks Paul. “We do not know,” say mum and dad. “Maybe it is a (5) or a zombie?” they ask. Nadine’s bedroom door flies open and everybody jumps! “OWOOOO!” crys Nadine. “My (6) hurts ! (1) father / brother (2) Halloween / Easter (3) sweets / games (4) quiet noise / scary noise (5) monster / fish (6) tummy / hand Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
59 fifty-nine Listen and point. Then sing the song. 61 62 63 1 We wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. moon roof star Father Christmas sledge present Check on the internet: Who brings the presents in … 2 In Great Britain Father Christmas brings the presents. Finland: USA: Turkey: Bosnia: Austria: Italy: Christmas Listen and say • What night is it? • Where are the children? • Who lives in house number three? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
60 sixty Celebration time Christmas Fill in the correct numbers of the missing words. Then colour in. 1 Where is the cat? What decoration can you see? 2 4 reindeer 6 fireplace 8 chimney 7 Christmas present 1 Christmas tree 5 Christmas cards 3 Father Christmas 2 Christmas stockings Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
61 sixty-one Christmas Find 7 words in the Christmas wordsearch. 1 Write the 7 words into the correct space and learn the chant. 2 Light a candle. Listen to Christmas songs. Copy the reindeer into the grid. Take your time. Do it slowly. 64 3 Christmas fun presents reindeer merry happy everyone C h is a lot of f , there are p for e ! To Father Christmas and his r , We say: “ M Christmas and a h new year!” ULRE INDEERNVE LJYJANGPEUBAQ WWNPRCDWNIDWR SHPRJHVPEBEOF KAREWRTLHYVVP SPUSNIGAWFENU FPMERSSKLGRHS UYNNKTHAEBYBU NOGTSMVXOVOVH CXZSWAI SAVNGF AUKF I SABSZETS MERRYUTUNTYPG Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
62 sixty-two Celebration time Easter bunny egg hen basket Listen to the Easter story. Then sing the song. 66 67 1 Hot cross buns, hot cross buns! One a penny, two a penny, hot cross buns! If you have no daughters, give them to your sons. One a penny, two a penny, hot cross buns. Easter Check on the internet: Recipe for hot cross buns. List what you need: 2 Listen and say • How many hens are in the garden? • What flowers can you see? • How many Easter eggs can you count? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
63 sixty-three Easter Listen to the instructions. Then fold the Easter bunny. 1 68 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Say the rhyme. 69 2 Easter surprise Easter eggs, yellow and blue. Easter eggs, for me and you. Easter eggs, pretty and funny. But where, oh where is the Easter bunny? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
64 sixty-four Celebration time Easter egg roll It is a tradition for children in Great Britain to roll painted eggs down little hills. This is the Easter egg roll. Look at the six pictures. Read and put them in the correct order. 1 Whose egg is it? Write down. 2 Peel the egg. Paint the egg. Eat the egg. Roll the egg down a hill. The shell is cracked. Cook the egg. 1 Sanjay’s egg is . Oliver’s egg is . Rami’s egg is . Nelly’s egg is . blue green yellow orange Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
65 sixty-five Sing the birthday song. 71, 72 1 Oh, it’s time to sing a song, to sing a song, to sing a song. Oh it’s time to sing a song, to sing a birthday song. balloons birthday card party hat cupcakes birthday crown cake birthday present Check on the internet: “Happy Birthday” in … 2 German: Serbian: Arabic: Ukrainian: Urdu: French: Happy birthday! Look and say • What is the birthday girl wearing? • How many children can you see? • When is your birthday? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
66 sixty-six Celebration time Nelly’s birthday Listen. What have they got for Nelly? Fill in the missing words. Then read the sentences. 1 73 2 1. Hooray! It’s my birthday! 2. Oh, hello Nelly. 3. Look at my racing . 4. Look at my new in-line . 5. Look at my new . 6. Look at my sweatshirt. new car much skates watch 7. Surprise! Thank you so . Extra: Play the dialogues. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
67 sixty-seven Birthday wishes Read about Sam’s birthday wish problem! Can you help him? 1 Read the sentences. Talk about unknown words in class. 2 Answer the questions. 1. What do you wish for your birthday? I wish for 2. How much does it cost? It costs 3. Do you think your wish will come true? 3 My name is Sam. Tomorrow is my birthday. I will be 9 years old. I would like to have a pair of football boots, football boots, a drone or a new bike. bike. I can only get one of them. So, what should I wish for? What did Sam get as a birthday present? Sam’s birthday present is a . The present can not fly. The present is big. The present can move quickly. The present is for outdoors. The present has got two wheels. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
68 sixty-eight My words red blue yellow green pink orange brown purple black white Colours father mother sister brother grandfather grandmother family siblings single parent happy sad angry Family and feelings School and school things board classroom desk door window pupils teacher book felt-pen folder glue stick pen pencil red coloured pencil pencil case rubber ruler school bag scissors sharpener white board tablet rubbish bin flag globe 1one 2two 3 three 4four 5five 6 six 7 seven 8eight 9nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 16 sixteen 20 twenty 30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety 100 one hundred Numbers 55s7q5 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
69 sixty-nine football jigsaw puzzle ball story book teddy bear cards toy car toy plane toy train computer game in-line- skates mountain bike music player skateboard skipping rope video games/ consoles TV kite badminton hula hoop Toys playing a computer game dancing playing football in-line- skating listening to music reading riding a bike running singing skate- boarding skiing skipping swimming playing table tennis walking painting playing the piano watching TV recycling repair sticky tape straw paper plane Hobbies Weather and seasons rainy snowy sunny windy hot cold spring summer autumn winter icy stormy foggy sunflowers leaves lantern bird feeder nesting box snowman butterfly January February March April May June July August September October November December Month Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
70 seventy The days of the week yesterday today tomorrow My words My body head ear eye mouth nose body shoulders arm hand thumb finger leg knee foot toe Clothes anorak blouse boots cap dress flip-flops gloves hat jeans pullover blazer scarf shoes shorts skirt socks trainers trousers T-shirt umbrella leggins tracksuit tie bikini Rooms and furniture bath- room bed- room children’s room hall kitchen living room upstairs downstairs armchair bed chair cupboard fridge lamp oven picture shelf sofa table furniture ward- robe bathtub shower toilet wash- basin room flat elevator town countryside Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
71 seventy-one Food and drink apple banana lemon orange strawberry tomato bread butter cheese corn- flakes egg fish and chips ham hamburger jam juice milk muesli pizza salad sausage spaghetti tea toast yoghurt tacos noodles carrots rice peas honey pancakes croissant to cook ice cream fish fingers chips crisps pie tap water potatoes Animals bat bird chick cow duck frog goat hen horse pig sheep spider bear monkey tiger budgie cat dog fish guinea pig hamster mouse rabbit rat tortoise, turtle dangerous small big friendly legs fast slow fur tail Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
72 seventy-two My words Celebration candle recipe tummy roof egg shell crack bushes flowers trees star Halloween ghost monster moon pumpkin spider’s web sweets vampire broom hat witch Christmas bell chimney Christmas card Christmas cracker Christmas present Christmas stocking Christmas tree Father Christmas fireplace reindeer Easter basket Easter bunny Easter egg Easter nest hot cross bun daffodil daisy snowdrop tulip ladybird Birthday balloon birthday cake birthday card birthday crown birthday party drone watch football boots Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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40.1; 56.1; 57.1; 59.1; 60.1; 62.1; Wolfgang Slawski, Laboe: Seiten: 15.4; 22.1; 27.1 bis 9; 68.45; 68.46; 68.47; Manuela Strasser, Wien : Seite: 5.9; Susanne Wechdorn, Wien: Seiten: 71.30; 71.31; 71.37; 71.71; 71.72; 72.9; Jutta Wetzel, Siegburg: Seite: 71.40; Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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