90 Transcript and key cooperating for the good of the country and the people – they put their own careers and the position of their party first and forget why they have been voted into office. Otherwise it would be impossible to explain their aggressive language and the simplicity of their arguments. Speaker 2: But when it comes to working out solutions for political problems, they sit together and discuss these matters in a very constructive way. Otherwise nothing would change. And there are so many things the government has done right recently – at least in my opinion. They are all human beings. They have their emotions and sometimes this shows in their debates. I prefer people with feelings to cold and scheming technocrats who are out of touch with the public. Speaker 1: “Out of touch” is the operative phrase. Politicians who have the success of their party and only that in mind, would you call that “in touch with the people”? It’s exactly this kind of attitude that puts me off. And apart from that, I have only one vote, so what difference does it make if I take part in an election? Speaker 2: I would suggest you think about what you have just said right now as soon as you’ve calmed down. There are still a few weeks to go until you can vote for the first time. Read the papers and watch the news and maybe then you’ll find it easier to take part in the political process. Of course, we only have one vote per person, but democracy means that it’s all about majorities and a majority consists of thousands of individual votes. Speaker 1: Well, I doubt it, but you are right, there’s still some time to go until I finally … (fade out) 0: E, 1: H, 2: A, 3: B, 4: G, 5: I, 6: J, 7: F Not used: C, D Word search: Politics (Key) a) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415161718 A C R I T I C A L T H I N K I N G H B D E M O C R A T I C U C P U B L I C O P I N I O N M D EMPOWERMENTA E DEMONSTRAT I O N N F P E Q U A L I T Y R G E A S S E M B L Y I H A S O L I D A R I T Y G I C M E D I A C O V E R A G E H J E P L A T F O R M T K A L L I A N C E S L J U S T I C E R E F O R M : critical thinking (A 2), democratic (B 1), public opinion (C 5), empowerment (D 7), demonstration (E 4), equality (F 3), assembly (G 7), solidarity (H 2), media coverage (I 3), platform (J 4), alliance (K 5), justice (L 2), reform (L 11) : human rights (A 18), peace (G 1) 4 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv