73 mood swings which can be difficult to cope with, especially if you are on your own. As social workers, we encourage teenagers to see this transition as a valuable opportunity for personal development. It’s a chance for them to learn how to cope with change, become more resilient, and develop essential life skills. Effective communication with family, friends and perhaps social workers is crucial, as keeping up connections while enjoying their independence can help ease the emotional challenges of separation. In some cases, leaving home may trigger additional stress or emotional difficulties. In such situations, seeking support from professionals like social workers is a helpful step to ensuring their well-being and provide guidance through this period of significant life change. Overall, teenagers leaving home is a crucial step in their journey towards adulthood. As social workers we are here to offer support, understanding and resources to help them come to terms with this important transition in their lives. 0: H, 1: F, 2: A, 3: E, 4: I, 5: D, 6: J, 7: C Not used: B, G Exploring vocabulary: How young people feel (Transcript and key) a) 1. unconnected; unconnected 2. embarrassed; embarrassed 3. obviously; obviously 4. counselling; counselling 5. psychotherapists; psychotherapists 6. common; common 7. adults; adults 8. separate; separate 9. clear-cut; clear-cut 10. independent; independent 11. touchy; touchy 12. mature; mature 13. disorientation; disorientation b) 1. unconnected 2. embarrassed 3. obviously 4. counselling 5. psychotherapists 6. common 7. adults 8. separate 9. clear-cut 10. independent 11. touchy 12. mature 13. disorientation Test practice: How young people feel (Transcript and key) Chris: Hi everybody out there, this is Chris from Cornish Teens, the radio station for teenagers in Cornwall. Has it ever happened to you that you felt a bit strange, a bit unconnected when you were together with your parents and their friends? Have you ever been embarrassed by them? Why is it that almost everybody has to go through this? Well, this is what we are going to discuss today with our expert Carol Prendergast from the Teenage Support Centre in Penzance. Hi Carol. Carol: Hi Chris, thanks for inviting me. Chris: It’s always a pleasure talking to you. Have you got an answer why this feeling is obviously shared by many teenagers? Carol: Well, when I think of teenagers today … well, I mean in my job I have to do with a lot of young people who come to our centre because they want to talk about their situation with somebody who’s not part of their family and who’s not too close to them. Well, you could say it’s a bit like counselling even though we are only trained social workers and not psychotherapists. Well, why is this feeling so common among teens? The real reason … ah well, the simple answer I suppose is that it may well have to do with the fact that they are not children anymore and that they want to be themselves, just themselves and not a copy of adults around them. Chris: Aah! So what you are saying is: They want to separate from their parents. They want to find their own identity, is – is that what you are trying to say? Carol: Yes, definitely. However, it’s not as clear-cut as it seems. It is often the case that … well, that – that … there is this desire, right, to be independent and at the same time they want to be treated as adults and not as kids anymore. And this is a serious point. Their parents see their children in them, they’ve always been their children and why should it all be different all of a sudden? That – that’s what most parents think anyway. Chris: Hmhmhm … what – what advice can you give teenagers in such a situation? Carol: Well, my advice is you shouldn’t be too touchy when it comes to dealing with your parents. Parents often want to do the right thing but what they actually do is just the opposite. And before things get out of control talk to other people about your situation, to your friends, to your teachers, to adults you trust and who are mature enough to judge the situation correctly. And apart from that, well, we’ve all 4 27 5 + 28 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv