Prime Time 5/6. Listening, Arbeitsheft

66 Transcript and key 4 Nutrition, health and social security Word search: Food (Key) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415161718 A M F L U I D S W B F I S H B I P O U L T R Y H A C N R E N U T S E R D E E O A M A L E R G T SNOODLESETE F F A G E S E E D S A Y G A L S I T H T S NCARBOHYDRATES I F R U I T S G R A I N S J B R E A D P A S T A K STARCHYVEGETABLES  : wheat (A 12), barley (A 13), peas (B 4), meat (D 14) : fluids (A 5), fish (A 14), poultry (B 4), nuts (C 6), noodles (E 8), seeds (F 7), carbohydrates (H 5), fruits (I 4), grains (I 11), bread (J 2), pasta (J 12), starchy vegetables (K 1)  : minerals (A 2), protein (B 4), eggs (D 3), fat (F 1) 1 Exploring vocabulary 1: Low-carb diet: Does it make sense? (Key) 1. consult 2. cause 3. intend 4. choosing 5. contains 6. feel 7. recommend 8. limit/reduce 9. lose 10. reducing/limiting 11. replace Exploring vocabulary 2: Low-carb diet: Does it make sense? (1 and 2) (Transcript) a) 1. hair loss; hair loss 2. headache; headache 3. bad breath; bad breath 4. general fatigue; general fatigue 5. overweight; overweight c) 1. hair loss: When people lose their hair. 2. headache: When your head hurts. A common form of a headache is a migraine. 3. bad breath: When you breathe out and your breath smells bad. 4. general fatigue: When you feel tired without a specific reason. 5. overweight: When you have more weight than doctors recommend. Test practice: Low-carb diet: Does it make sense? (Transcript and key) In today’s episode of our weekly podcast we are talking about low-carb dieting and the long-term effect it has on your health and on your well-being. And if it can help you lose weight. Well, first of all, what is a low-carb diet? The answer is rather simple: You are allowed to eat almost anything, but you have to reduce carbohydrates to less than 20% of your calory intake. This is usually done by excluding or limiting the consumption of most grains like wheat or barley, plants like peas, fruits, bread, 2 3 12 13 4 + 14 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv