60 Transcript and key 1 Communication and relationships Before you start: How do you communicate? (Key) b) 1. a question: to address, to answer, to ask, to comment on, to condemn, to criticise, to defend, to discuss, to explain, to express, to hear, to inform sb. about, to listen to, to mention, to refer to, to respond to, to share, to stress, to talk to sb. about, to write about 2. a topic: to address, to comment on, to discuss, to explain, to mention, to refer to, to talk about 3. a friend: to ask, to call, to chat with, to comment on, to condemn, to criticise, to defend, to discuss sth. with, to explain sth. to, to inform, to interview , to listen to, to mention, to respond to, to share sth. with, to talk to, to write to 4. an interview: to comment on, to condemn, to criticise, to discuss, to hear, to inform sb. about, to listen to, to refer to, to share, to talk (to sb.) about 5. a problem: to address, to comment on, to communicate, to criticise, to discuss, to explain, to hear about, to inform sb. about, to mention, to refer to, to respond to, to stress, to talk to sb. about, to write about 6. a statement: to comment on, to condemn, to criticise, to discuss, to explain, to hear, to inform sb. about, to listen to, to mention, to respond to, to share, to stress, to talk to sb. about, to write about Text research on digital habits (Key) a)–c) Individual answers Pre-listening task: Young people and social media (Key) a)–c) Individual answers Listening task: Young people and social media (Transcript) a) 1. Mobile devices are smartphones, tablets and laptops. 2. For most young people their mobile device is their best friend. 3. Young people use the internet to get information, to share personal details, to exchange ideas, to watch videos and to play games. 4. Teenagers want to be in contact with their friends. 5. Young people need to learn about the dangers of the internet. 6. Internet friends are not always like real friends. 7. Information you get on the internet is not always true. 8. Young people have to be critical to spot fake news. 9. It is important to stand up against cyberbullying. 10. Parents and children should try to have a positive relationship. Test practice: Chats, Instagram and TikTok: How young people communicate (Transcript and key) Today I am going to talk about how young people, especially children, use the internet to communicate with each other. When you look at how young people use the internet, you get the impression that for most of them their smartphone or their tablet is their best friend, that they cannot live without it. Using the internet to get information, to read the news, to share personal information and pictures on social media, playing games or watching videos – all these activities have become so common for all of us and so it is no surprise that young people do it as well. Especially young people want to connect with friends, or with others who they regard as their friends because they know them from Instagram or TikTok. One of the benefits of this is certainly that getting information is very easy. You do a Google search and get what you are looking for almost instantly. The problem is, however, that you need to check the information you get as anybody can put things on the internet nowadays no matter whether they are true or false, accurate or just 1 2 3 4 01 5 + 02 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv