Prime Time 5/6. Listening, Arbeitsheft

15 48 Interculturalism and the English-speaking world 15 Interculturalism and the English-speaking world Finding the correct preposition a) Complete the following sentences with suitable prepositions. 1 down for (2x) from (3x) of to up with (2x) by 1. The children were not allowed to mess around the cats in the living room. 2. The Windrush was just one ship on which migrants arrived the West Indies. 3. The front room was mainly used family gatherings. 4. The immigrants were not welcomed the local population. 5. They soon settled in areas all over London. 6. The Notting Hill Carnival stands a tolerant society where everybody is welcome. 7. Today the migrant groups want to share their culture all the other ethnic groups in the city. 8. Many of the migrants came Jamaica. 9. The people from the West Indies are proud what they have achieved over the years. 10. Many of them were brought in English. 11. They are proud to belong the first group of immigrants from the Caribbean. 12. Their food and their music are different those of other ethnic groups. b) Copy the prepositional phrases into your learning journal to remember them, e.g. “to come from”. Mind map: Culture Complete the mind map for the term “culture” and add all the things you associate with it, e.g. architecture. | 08.2020 | Seite 1 eit 2 bewegen Arbeitsheft Arbeitheftv. Buch Buchverweis Blatt Blattverweis Checkliste Mappe 1 Mappe 2 Blatt 2 Verschriften 3 Verschriften 4 Schreiben 2 Malen 1 Schreiben 1 Schreiben 2 Schwingen Silbenbögen Ausmalen nummerieren* König Schneiden Kleben Dreieck Lineal Spiel Modell Experiment Mikroskop interaktiv Smilies Lesen 1 Lesen 2 Hören Riechen Sprechen Achte auf Achtung! Frage Dokument ell Flaggen Daten-CD Audio-CD Musik Audio-CD Sprache Hör-CD/GYV Video-DVD 1 Video-DVD 2 Video Sprechen Film Maus Taschenrechner Podcast Handy Telefon Tastatur Audio schnitte Fakultativ > Seiten Verweise Aufzählung 1 Aufzählung 2 Diagramm Fresch Smbole Standard Fresch Symbole für Zebra Merk- wörter Silbenschwingen Verlängern Groß oder klein? Groß oder klein? Weiterschwingen Wortbausteine Ableiten Nach-schlagen Merk- wörter Ableiten Sprechen hören schwingen Verbraucherbildung Symbole Marketing mit eBook CD-ROM/ offline Whiteboard mobile devices online Buchhandel lieferbar nur an Lehrer lieferbar auslauf- ender Titel unverbindliche Preisempfehlung Festpreis Prüfstück Langenscheidt Pons KLT EKS L P T S 2 culture Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv