13 42 Nature and the environment 13 Nature and the environment Exploring vocabulary: Environmental issues a) Go through the list of verbs below and tick the correct box. I know it. I’m not sure. I need to learn it. to counteract to decimate to develop to encourage to endanger to preserve to profit to protect to reproduce to restore to survive to threaten to turn out b) Look up the verbs you are not sure of and add them to your learning journal together with words you need to learn. Identifying redundant passages Study the text passages below and draw lines between those which have the same or a similar meaning. 1 | 08.2020 | Seite 1 narbeit 2 bewegen Arbeitsheft Arbeitheftv. Buch Buchverweis Blatt Blattverweis Checkliste Mappe 1 Mappe 2 Blatt 2 ten 2 Verschriften 3 Verschriften 4 Schreiben 2 Malen 1 Schreiben 1 Schreiben 2 Schwingen Silbenbögen Ausmalen nummerieren* eren König Schneiden Kleben Dreieck Lineal Spiel Modell Experiment Mikroskop interaktiv Smilies Lesen 1 Lesen 2 Hören Riechen Sprechen Achte auf Achtung! Frage Dokument ulturell Flaggen Daten-CD Audio-CD Musik Audio-CD Sprache Hör-CD/GYV Video-DVD 1 Video-DVD 2 Video ik Sprechen Film Maus Taschenrechner Podcast Handy Telefon Tastatur Audio > Abschnitte Fakultativ > Seiten Verweise Aufzählung 1 Aufzählung 2 Diagramm Fresch Smbole Standard Fresch Symbole für Zebra Merk- wörter Silbenschwingen Verlängern Groß oder klein? Groß oder klein? Weiterschwingen Wortbausteine Ableiten Nach-schlagen Merk- wörter Ableiten Sprechen hören schwingen Verbraucherbildung Symbole Marketing mit eBook CD-ROM/ offline Whiteboard mobile devices online Buchhandel lieferbar nur an Lehrer lieferbar auslauf- ender Titel unverbindliche Preisempfehlung Festpreis Prüfstück Langenscheidt Pons KLT EKS L P T S 2 1. We are trying to preserve the native bird population by protecting them against predatory species. 2. These are animals which are not native to this island and which endanger the native bird population as they have no natural enemies. 3. Some bird species were able to survive in other places. 4. What sounds like a cruel way of restoring the balance between invasive species like rats, cats and other carnivorous animals turned out to be an effective strategy to protect native bird life. 5. We use humane traps and poisoned bait for our rat-eradication programme and so far we seem to have been successful. 6. Animal lovers among you might be shocked, but this is the only way to save our native birds from being wiped out. 7. Their populations have started to grow again. 8. With these measures in place, the rodent population was reduced to zero. 9. They managed to escape to remote regions where the predators could not get hold of them. 10. The predators should not be able anymore to wipe out the native bird species. 11. Over the years we have observed that a number of rare birds have returned to the island, for example, instead of the 13 puffins left in 2006 there are now over 400. 12. Without these measures our local birds would become extinct. 13. As a result, the local bird population was saved because of these measures to wipe out all mammals on the island. 14. They pose a severe threat to native birds which cannot defend themselves against the invaders. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv