Prime Time 5/6. Listening, Arbeitsheft

11 36 Arts and culture 11 Arts and culture Exploring vocabulary 1: Grand museums and colonialism a) Listen to the expressions you hear and write them down. You will hear every expression twice. Make sure you remember these expressions. You can check the spelling later. The first one has been done for you. 1. C O L O N I A L I S M 2. L N L S 3. C Q T 4. T L L C C T L 5. L L F T 6. R D R T 7. L T T P 8. V B L 9. X P T T 10. S R C 11. C T S L 12. X H 13. L C 14. P R T 15. B 16. L 17. V R 18. C N T S b) Look up the expressions you are not sure of and add them to your learning journal together with words you need to learn. Exploring vocabulary 2: Wear – ware – we’re – were – where – wire Sometimes words are so similar that they differ only in one sound (e.g. a short sound vs. a long sound; a different sound quality). You can train your listening skills when you try to spot the correct spelling of the words you hear. Sometimes you can only find the correct word through the context in which the word appears. a) Before you start, make sure you know what the words mean and how they are used in context. Use a dictionary to find out if you are in doubt. b) Listen to the following sentences and circle the correct word. You will hear every sentence twice. The first one has been done for you. 1. a) wear b) ware c) we’re d) were e) where f) wire 2. a) wear b) ware c) we’re d) were e) where f) wire 3. a) wear b) ware c) we’re d) were e) where f) wire 4. a) wear b) ware c) we’re d) were e) where f) wire 5. a) wear b) ware c) we’re d) were e) where f) wire 6. a) wear b) ware c) we’re d) were e) where f) wire 7. a) wear b) ware c) we’re d) were e) where f) wire 8. a) wear b) ware c) we’re d) were e) where f) wire c) Listen to the sentences again and repeat them in the same way as in the audio track. 1 35 | 08.2020 | Seite 1 eit 2 bewegen Arbeitsheft Arbeitheftv. Buch Buchverweis Blatt Blattverweis Checkliste Mappe 1 Mappe 2 Blatt 2 Verschriften 3 Verschriften 4 Schreiben 2 Malen 1 Schreiben 1 Schreiben 2 Schwingen Silbenbögen Ausmalen nummerieren* König Schneiden Kleben Dreieck Lineal Spiel Modell Experiment Mikroskop interaktiv Smilies Lesen 1 Lesen 2 Hören Riechen Sprechen Achte auf Achtung! Frage Dokument ell Flaggen Daten-CD Audio-CD Musik Audio-CD Sprache Hör-CD/GYV Video-DVD 1 Video-DVD 2 Video Sprechen Film Maus Taschenrechner Podcast Handy Telefon Tastatur Audio schnitte Fakultativ > Seiten Verweise Aufzählung 1 Aufzählung 2 Diagramm Fresch Smbole Standard Fresch Symbole für Zebra Merk- wörter Silbenschwingen Verlängern Groß oder klein? Groß oder klein? Weiterschwingen Wortbausteine Ableiten Nach-schlagen Merk- wörter Ableiten Sprechen hören schwingen Verbraucherbildung Symbole Marketing mit eBook CD-ROM/ offline Whiteboard mobile devices online Buchhandel lieferbar nur an Lehrer lieferbar auslauf- ender Titel unverbindliche Preisempfehlung Festpreis Prüfstück Langenscheidt Pons KLT EKS L P T S 2 36 36 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv