Prime Time 5/6. Listening, Arbeitsheft

15 4 Nutrition, health and social security Word search: Food Before listening to an audio track, get ready by making yourself familiar with words and phrases you expect. In the grid below you can find 20 expressions related to food. Find as many as you can. There is one expression which consists of two words. Use different colours for the different directions (, , ). The first one has been done for you. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415161718 A Q M C B F L U I D S W W B F I S H B B G I APOULTRYQZHAJ L S J C XNVRENUTSZOPOERDMP D TEEOHAGFTLGEQMALNB E HRGTEMSNOODLESETEF F FAGEZRSEEDSWI E U A R Y G A L S I MAXZVAFCMUACTU H TSYNCARBOHYDRATESS I O D K F R U I T S C G R A I N S K J J MBREADWBPCWPASTAYQ K STARCHYVEGETABLESM Exploring vocabulary 1: Low-carb diet: Does it make sense? In the listening task on low-carb diets on page 16 you will come across the verbs below. Read the text and fill them in. Make sure they are in the correct form. The first one has been done for you. 1 2 to cause to choose to consult to contain to feel to intend to limit to lose to recommend to reduce to replace Are you considering making a change in your diet? It’s important to consult 1 with a healthcare professional before starting any new eating plan, as different diets can have various effects on your health. Some diets may 2 weight loss, while others 3 to improve your overall well-being. When 4 a diet, it’s vital to pay attention to the foods it 5 . Apart from that, it’s common to 6 a range of emotions. You may feel motivated, excited or even frustrated at times. Many experts 7 including portion control to 8 the amount of food consumed. That reduces the overall intake of food. This can help you 9 weight gradually. Along with portion control, 10 the intake of processed foods and added sugars is also recommended for overall health benefits. In some cases, it may be necessary to 11 certain foods or ingredients to meet dietary needs. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv