Prime Time 7/8. Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

19 98 Ideals and reality Language in use: What is political correctness? Read the text about political correctness. Some words are missing. Complete the text by writing one word for each gap (1–12) in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. Political correctness is the result of a development in society that wants to … 0 equality and respect. The term political correctness in its present meaning was first brought … 1 by feminist and left-wing movements in the US in the 1970s. Before the term “politically correct” was used to describe the way in which dictatorial regimes prescribed the use of certain expressions to … 2 up what they did not want to express … 3 . What PC means in effect is that people should change the way they … 4 themselves so that no other people, especially underprivileged groups like women, ethnic minorities, etc. should feel … 5 . In addition, PC wants to correct political bias and tries to promote fair and respectful … 6 . Over the years politically correct language has become the object of … 7 as it uses language patterns that do not represent what they are … 8 to express. However noble the first promoters were, many people think that the present focus on political correctness means … 9 things too far. What started out as a reaction to discrimination has turned out to be a language that is riddled with unusual and sometimes complicated constructions which are sometimes … 10 to understand. Political correctness is extremely important in political discussions and in the media. If you do not comply … 11 the rules of PC you will soon be stigmatised and – in many cases – excluded … 12 the political discourse. 0 promote 1 7 2 8 3 9 4 10 5 11 6 12 Paraphrasing Rewrite these sentences in your own words. Use the words given. 1. The survey shows that the people in Europe are aware of the possible consequences of climate change. (according to) According to the survey the people 2. In the opinion of many people politicians should do more to reduce carbon dioxide emissions quickly. (think) 3. The number of people who think that climate change is a serious problem has gone up in the last two years. (rise) 4. It would be better if political leaders did not underestimate the problem because that would be even worse. (should) 6 ✔ 7 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv