Prime Time 7/8. Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

1 8 The British today Language in use: The fairy tale of Britain leaving the European Union Read the text about why Great Britain left the European Union. Some words are missing. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each gap (1–10). Put a cross () in the correct box. The first one (0) has been done for you. Once upon a time, there was a large group of countries in Europe, known as the European Union (EU). This union was like a big team, where each country was a member, including the United Kingdom (UK), which is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. For many years, the UK was a part of this team, sharing rules, trading goods and working together with the other countries. However, in 2016, something … 0 happened. The UK decided to hold a special vote, called a … 1 . This was an important event where every adult could give their opinion on a big question: Should the UK stay in the EU or leave it? This decision was like choosing whether to stay in a club or to go out and do things … 2 . In the UK, people had many different thoughts about this decision. The vote was very close, but more people chose to leave than to stay. This decision to leave the EU was called „Brexit“, a short way of saying „British exit“. After the vote, the UK needed several years to plan how to leave the EU, which was a complex process. They had to make many decisions about things like how to trade with other countries, how people could travel between the UK and EU countries and many other important details. Finally, in January 2020, the UK officially left the EU. So, what does this mean for the UK’s future? There might be … 3 ahead, such as finding new partners for trade and deciding on rules for people who want to work or study in other countries. The UK also needs to think about protecting the environment and ensuring people’s safety. However, now the UK can make these decisions independently, which some people think is a great … 4 . It’s still early, and no one knows for sure what the long-term effects of Brexit will be. But just like any new beginning, there will be unexpected changes and new opportunities. The UK’s journey after Brexit is an … 5 story, and everyone is … 6 to see how it will develop. This is a time of change and … 7 , and it will be interesting to see how the UK navigates its new path outside the EU. The UK’s departure from the EU is not just about politics and trade, it’s about the identity and future direction of a country. It’s about how the UK sees itself in the world and how it wants to interact with its neighbours and other countries … 8 . This decision has sparked a lot of discussions and debates, not only in the UK but also around the world. In the end, Brexit is a unique event in modern history. It shows how important it is for countries to think carefully about their relationships with others and the … 9 of such big decisions. For the UK, Brexit is an ongoing journey, full of possibilities and challenges. It’s a story about a country taking a different path and exploring new ways to engage with the world. The coming years will reveal the full effect of this decision, shaping the UK’s … 10 in the 21st century and beyond. 0 A distant B trivial C significant ✘ D minor 1 A referendum B order C command D momentum 2 A internationally B transcendently C reliantly D independently 3 A votes B balances C simplicity D challenges 4 A community B opportunity C disadvantage D autonomous 5 A unfolding B developing C fading D forgetting 6 A furious B uninterested C curious D indifferent 7 A vibration B stagnation C adaptation D catastrophic 8 A regionally B globally C nobly D royally 9 A ineffectiveness B impact C abstract D defense 10 A destiny B harmony C issue D calmness 7 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv