Prime Time 7/8. Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

14 Migration 71 c) Read the text on immigration to Canada. Some words are missing. Change the word in brackets to form the missing word for each gap (1–14). Write your answers in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. In just a few decades, Canada’s Filipino community has grown from less than a thousand residents to one of the country’s largest … 0 (immigrate) demographics. At present, over 500,000 Filipinos call Canada their home, and this number is increasing rapidly. In fact, in recent years the Philippines has been the greatest source of immigrants to Canada. The story of Filipino immigration to Canada is one of dreams, hard work, sacrifice and success. In 2012 alone, over 32,000 new Canadian permanent … 1 (reside) came to Canada from the Philippines – a massive 146 per cent increase from 2004. Many new … 2 (arrive) came to work as live-in caregivers across Canada, especially in major Canadian metropolises like Toronto. Today, over 200,000 Filipino immigrants reside in the greater Toronto area, more than in any other city. Many Filipinos have worked hard to bring their … 3 (immediacy) families to Canada. Many people who came to Canada as temporary workers left spouses and children behind. Once … 4 (permanency) residency was … 5 (achievement), they were then able to reunite with their families in Canada. Canada’s family … 6 (sponsor) rules allow permanent residents to sponsor not only children and spouses, but parents and grandparents as well. Whether from the Philippines or any other country, there is no “typical” immigrant to Canada. Filipinos in Canada work in a wide range of disciplines in every province in the country. Because many Filipinos have a good command of the English language, they are able to find jobs and quickly … 7 (settlement) into their new homes upon arrival. Many Filipino immigrants find work in one of two popular fields: … 8 (nurse) and caregiving. Prospective immigrants with experience in these fields are in luck, as Canada has many immigration programmes geared towards workers with these skill sets. Canada has a … 9 (dedicate) Live-In Caregiver Programme that … 10 (facilitation) the entry of these workers to the country. In addition, popular immigration programmes such as the Quebec Skilled Worker Programme award high points to nurses. The Filipino community has become well … 11 (integration) into the fabric of Canadian society. In 2012, Tobias Enverga Jr became Canada’s first senator of Filipino descent. Another Filipino-Canadian, Rey Pagtakhan, was … 12 (election) to Parliament in 1998 and served as the Secretary of State for Asia and the Pacific from 2001 to 2004. Many members of Canada’s Filipino community maintain strong ties with their home country, which in turn has led to a … 13 (strong) of bilateral relations between Canada and the Philippines. As thousands of new temporary and permanent residents settle in Canada every year, this … 14 (connect) will continue to strengthen and deepen. (Canada Immigration Newsletter; adapted and abridged) 0 immigration 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 7 14 ✔ Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv