Prime Time 7/8. Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

12 Saving the planet 61 filled with … 11 about the future, being part of a movement actively working towards positive change is incredibly … 12 . It’s about more than just fighting against something, it’s about fighting for something – a better, sustainable and just world. As a young activist, my message to other teens is simple: Your voice matters, and your actions can make a difference. Climate change is not just an environmental issue, it’s a crisis that affects every aspect of our lives. It’s about our present and our future. And while the task may seem daunting, remember that change often starts with small steps. Each action, each voice, adds up. Together, we have the power to shape the future we want. 0 A realisation ✘ B misconception C mobilisation D unawareness 1 A calmness B urgency C emergency D apathy 2 A discouraging B empowering C flowering D organised 3 A identical B converse C uniform D diverse 4 A turbulent B resourceful C peaceful D aggressive 5 A praise B criticism C rhythm D commendation 6 A naïve B sophisticated C primitive D cosmopolitan 7 A disturb B challenging C balancing D unity 8 A explainable B irrational C sustainable D unfortunate 9 A categories B losses C failures D victories 10 A inconsistence B persistence C resistence D assistance 11 A pessimism B optimism C hopefulness D acceptance 12 A chilling B frustrating C dissatisfying D fulfilling b) Complete the following sentences with passages from the text. 1. We have to see to it that … . 2. We should take care not to … . 3. We need to adopt a resolution to … . 4. Our most pressing problem is … . 5. We have to negotiate an agreement to … . 6. We are hopeful/confident that … . 7. We are working to … . Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv