Prime Time 7/8. Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

9 44 Ethnic and cultural diversity Bias and stereotyping Lazy. Seductive. Intelligent. Used to describe individuals, these adjectives pose no particular problem. Used to describe groups of people, however, they may constitute stereotypes. Stereotypes are qualities assigned to groups of people related to their race, nationality or sexual orientation. Because they generalise groups of people in manners that lead to discrimination and ignore the diversity within groups, stereotypes should be avoided. Both negative and positive stereotypes exist, but even the latter do harm. That’s because all stereotypes are limiting and leave little to no room for individuality. Perhaps a child belongs to a racial group known for being highly intelligent. This particular child, however, suffers from a learning disability and struggles to keep up with his classmates in school. Because his teacher believes in the stereotype that this child is supposed to excel in class because “his people” are highly intelligent, she might assume that his poor marks are because he’s lazy. (Nadra Kareem Nittle,; adapted and abridged) a) Below you will find a number of stereotypes. Sort them into one of the four categories: age, culture, gender and other. 1 1. Absolutely all teenagers are rebels. 2. Virtually every American is obese and dim-witted. 3. Elderly people frequently forget where they have put their glasses. 4. Asian people are always good at maths. 5. Generally speaking, men are messy and unclean. 6. Basically, no politician thinks of the benefit of society. 7. It’s normal for children to hate healthy food. 8. Most librarians are elderly women with glasses. 9. Girls are almost never good at sports. 10. Men are usually stronger than women. 11. Punks are definitely a menace to society. 12. There is no doubt that all English people only drink tea. Age Culture Gender Other 1, b) Study the examples in detail and find out which particular words or phrases are used to turn these sentences into stereotypes. c) Go online, collect more phrases to express generalisations and write them into your learning journal. 2 bewegen Arbeitsheft Arbeitheftv. Buch Buchverweis Blatt Blattverweis Checkliste Mappe 1 Mappe 2 Blatt 2 Verschriften 3 Verschriften 4 Schreiben 2 Malen 1 Schreiben 1 Schreiben 2 Schwingen Silbenbögen Ausmalen nummerieren* nig Schneiden Kleben Dreieck Lineal Spiel Modell Experiment Mikroskop interaktiv Smilies Lesen 1 Lesen 2 Hören Riechen Sprechen Achte auf Achtung! Frage Dokument Flaggen Daten-CD Audio-CD Musik Audio-CD Sprache Hör-CD/GYV Video-DVD 1 Video-DVD 2 Video Sprechen Film Maus Taschenrechner Podcast Handy Telefon Tastatur Audio itte Fakultativ > Seiten Verweise Aufzählung 1 Aufzählung 2 Diagramm mbole Marketing rbeit 2 bewegen Arbeitsheft Arbeitheftv. Buch Buchverweis Blatt Blattverweis Checkliste Mappe 1 Mappe 2 Blatt 2 2 Verschriften 3 Verschriften 4 Schreiben 2 Malen 1 Schreiben 1 Schreiben 2 Schwingen Silbenbögen Ausmalen nummerieren* n König Schneiden Kleben Dreieck Lineal Spiel Modell Experiment Mikroskop interaktiv Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv