Prime Time 7/8. Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

8 Art 43 Language in use: Confusable words – Abstract art Read the text about abstract art. Some words are missing. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each gap (1–13). Put a cross () in the correct box. The first one (0) has been done for you. … 0 abstract art can be found almost everywhere. In some … 1 it is fashionable to own an abstract painting or … 2 a good reproduction of one. However, it seems to be the focal point of discussions over and over again as it can be … 3 or challenging. It is the fact that abstract art is non-representational that leads to negative reactions. … 4 all these discussions we ought to remember that abstract art was first created to represent the changes in the real world towards the end of the 19th century. So, in a way, it was an attempt to come to … 5 with the world but today the situation has changed. As abstract art is widespread, many people feel unable to deal with it. Some don’t like it, others … 6 it, or they are simply disappointed that in spite of their … 7 they don’t understand it. Another aspect is certainly the fact that talking about abstract art is … 8 more difficult than talking about art that mirrors the real world in the form of people and objects that can be … 9 as what they are. Yet, once you’ve become … 10 to typical features of abstract art and as soon as you have stopped … 11 about the message an abstract piece of art should convey, the form, the colours, the shapes, the lines, the texture, etc. can be … 12 . However, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as the saying goes – and the same … 13 to art. 0 A Now B In those days C Nowadays ✘ D Yet 1 A rounds B cycles C circles D rings 2 A at last B at least C lastly D least 3 A provident B provoked C provocative D provisional 4 A Because of B In spite of C During D By 5 A terminals B terminus C thermals D terms 6 A despise B depict C depart D depose 7 A efforts B effects C affects D affords 8 A deniably B undenied C denied D undeniably 9 A recognised B realised C related D relayed 10 A customised B accustomed C accumulated D custodial 11 A wondered B interfering C wondering D questioning 12 A intrigued B intricate C intriguing D intrigue 13 A appals B applied C appalled D applies 5 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv