Prime Time 7/8. Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

1 4 Prime Time 7 The British today Describing places, describing people a) Which of the words below can you use to describe places, which can you use to describe people, and which are suitable for both? Write the words into the appropriate columns. 1 adorable • affluent • agricultural • ancient • attractive • barren • bleak • brave • busy • cheerful • clean • confident • cosmopolitan • crowded • cruel • cultural • deforested • depopulated • determined • developing • dirty • dry • dynamic • energetic • fertile • filthy • flat • formal • frank • generous • gifted • glamorous • handsome • hard-working • hospitable • humid • humorous • industrial • jolly • kind-hearted • lively • lovely • low-lying • lush • magnificent • modern • monotonous • mountainous • mysterious • nearby • nervous • outgoing • overcrowded • peaceful • perfect • picturesque • plain • pleasing • polite • polluted • punctual • quiet • reserved • respectful • romantic • rough • rude • run-down • rural • self-assured • selfish • slow-paced • sociable • splendid • steep • thoughtful • timid • tolerant • traditional • tropical • unbiased • unspoilt • urban • varied • wild • worried Words to describe places Words to describe people Words suitable for both adorable, b) In the list of words above, there are a number of opposites. Complete the chart with the appropriate opposites. Word Opposite Word Opposite 1. agricultural urban 6. humid 2. clean 7. modern 3. crowded 8. run-down 4. fertile 9. timid 5. flat 10. varied Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv