Prime Time 7/8. Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

7 36 Celebrities Opposites, opposites a) Write down the opposite forms of the words below and arrange them in groups according to their prefix. 3 able • accurate • to activate • adequate • afraid • to agree • appropriate • available • aware • capable • certain • clear • compatible • complete • to construct • flexible • friendly • helpful • to inform • known • legal • legible • literate • logical • loyal • mature • patient • perfect • pleasant • pleased • possible • realistic • regular • relevant • resistible • responsible • secure • significant • sufficient • to trust • visible un- de-/dis- im-/in- ir- ilunable, b) Fill in appropriate forms from the table above. 1. More infants are unable to play with building blocks because they’re too addicted to iPads. 2. Two men were arrested on Thursday for allegedly being in possession of firearms. 3. It was discovered recently that increased CO2 levels make fish of predators. 4. The health department warned that five helpings of fruit and vegetables a day is still . You definitely need to eat more. 5. State transportation officials are asking Jersey City to temporarily the red-light camera at Newark Avenue. 6. Despite the various literacy programmes implemented in recent years, more than half of the Moroccans aged 15+ are and can’t even read simple signs. 7. United Airlines has apologised for posting an image of a woman on Instagram, but the internet won’t be forgetting about it anytime soon. 8. We instinctively phone calls that tell us we have won a free vacation or car. 9. Due to the world economic crisis India’s entrepreneurs face an future. 10. The biggest hazard in morning traffic is motorists driving their cars onto pavements in an attempt to get around dustbin lorries. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv