Prime Time 7/8. Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

7 34 Celebrities Too many talent shows on TV in China? The Voice of China, Chinese Idol and Happy Boys are just a few of the many talent shows on television today. However, this may soon change with the announcement of restrictive regulations by the Chinese State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television (SAPPRFT). According to SAPPRFT, there are too many such talent shows on television, which are similar in concept as well as content. So SAPPRFT announced that it would implement regulations on the nation’s singing competition shows to “avoid monotony among programmes, provide more options to the audience and satisfy diverse demands”. Moreover, it points out that all television programmes must “avoid extravagance, luxury, sensationalism and flashy programming”. a) There are supporters of and opponents to this idea. First, have a look at the keywords below and fill in the word which best fits each gap. 1 1. competition • audience ratings • large number of copycat programmes 2. provide • once unknown singers • follow their dreams 3. measures • help • coordinate • times of these singing shows 4. producers must realise • not everyone • interested in • larger 5. excessive production • waste of resources • waste of time 6. good TV shows • preserved • ones • gradually be eliminated 7. singing contest programmes • • many talented singers 8. stay within law and social moral • tolerance should be given 9. weekends • always • given to talent shows • highest audience 10. authorities • unable • order all TV channels • produce programmes 11. many TV programmes • manage to • despite regulation and control 12. best way out • not interference • market rules 13. competition • TV channels • motivated to • better programmes b) Now write two statements into your learning journal, one in favour of the regulations, and one opposing it. Use the ideas presented above and techniques to connect ideas and to contrast opposing views. rbeit 2 bewegen Arbeitsheft Arbeitheftv. Buch Buchverweis Blatt Blattverweis Checkliste Mappe 1 Mappe 2 Blatt 2 2 Verschriften 3 Verschriften 4 Schreiben 2 Malen 1 Schreiben 1 Schreiben 2 Schwingen Silbenbögen Ausmalen nummerieren* n König Schneiden Kleben Dreieck Lineal Spiel Modell Experiment Mikroskop interaktiv Smilies Lesen 1 Lesen 2 Hören Riechen Sprechen Achte auf Achtung! Frage Dokument administrative audience’s broadcasting choice excellent copycat improve opportunities ratings standards uncover thrive unpopular Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv