Prime Time 7/8. Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

6 30 India Language in use: Connectives – Elections in India Read the text about elections in India. Some words are missing. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each gap (1–10). Put a cross () in the correct box. The first one (0) has been done for you. General elections in India are a major challenge to organisers and voters alike … 0 India is the biggest democracy in the world. In 2019 about 900 million people had the right to vote. Among them were 20 per cent first-time voters … 1 made the outcome even less predictable. … 2 only between 50 and 60 per cent of the voters take part in these elections, the number of votes to be counted is still enormous. Around five million people are required to conduct the procedure and another five million are needed to make sure … 3 the election procedure is fair and proper. … 4 cope with the vast size of the country, voting takes place in nine phases spread out over six weeks. … 5 the elections are in progress, voting commissions travel the country to carry out the polls. At the end of this procedure 543 members of the lower house will be elected. Each MP represents one constituency … 6 is elected through a majority system, … 7 means that only the votes cast for the winner are counted. … 8 the fact that India seems quite chaotic for Westerners the democratic system seems to work. … 9 , voting is one thing but ruling the country in a fair way is … 10 important. 0 A while B whereas C as ✘ D despite 1 A what B which C that D while 2 A As B Because C Even though D When 3 A that B because C although D since 4 A In order to B Because of C For D When 5 A After B Before C Since D While 6 A also B and C or D even 7 A what B which C therefore D so 8 A Because of B As C In spite of D For 9 A However B Moreover C Similarly D Likewise 10 A as well as B likewise C equally D likely 3 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv