Prime Time 7/8. Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

5 28 Extreme situations Language in use: The traditional practice of matchmaking Read a text about the traditional practice of matchmaking in Orthodox Jewish communities, known as Shidduch. Some words are missing. Complete the text by writing one word for each gap (1–10) in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. As a teenager growing up in an Orthodox Jewish community in the US, my experience with the traditional practice of matchmaking, known as Shidduch, is both unique and intriguing, … 0 in a world where dating apps and social media dominate the romance scene. From a young … 1 , I was aware that the way we approach marriage is different. In our community, finding a life partner isn’t just a personal journey. It’s a community effort, often guided by a professional matchmaker, called a Shadchan. The … 2 might seem outdated or even restrictive to some, but for us, it’s a cherished tradition that has its own beauty and purpose. I remember the day my parents first talked to me about … 3 a Shadchan. I was nervous, unsure of what to expect. Would they understand my hopes and dreams? Would they see me as an individual, or just another name on their … 4 ? These questions buzzed in my mind as we met Mrs Levin, a well-respected Shadchan in our community. Mrs Levin wasn’t what I had … 5 . She was warm, engaging and genuinely interested in knowing me – not just my hobbies or academic achievements, but my aspirations, values and what I sought in a life … 6 . It was more like a heart-to-heart conversation with an aunt than a formal meeting. She explained that her role wasn’t to make decisions for me but to introduce me to potential matches who shared … 7 values and life goals. The process was methodical. Mrs Levin would suggest a young man she thought could be a good match, and then both our families would do some research. If things seemed promising, we’d meet in a comfortable, public setting. There’s a misconception that in arranged setups like these, you must decide immediately if this is the person you’ll … 8 . But in reality, it’s about gradual, thoughtful consideration. Dating in our Shidduch system feels different. It’s less about fleeting chemistry and more about building a foundation for a shared … 9 . Conversations are deep, focusing on values, family, religious practices and how we envision our lives. Some of my friends have found their partners through this system, entering marriages full of mutual respect and shared values. Others, like me, are still in the process. It’s a journey of self-discovery as much as it is about finding a partner. To a teenager looking in from the … 10 , this might seem a world away from the typical American dating scene. But for me, it’s a meaningful path, intertwining tradition and personal choice, guided by the wisdom of those who have walked this path before us. It’s not just about finding love. It’s about finding a partner to build a life with, grounded in shared beliefs and mutual respect. 0 especially 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 6 ✔ Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv