Prime Time 7/8. Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

5 Extreme situations 25 Language in use: Too much school stress may make kids sick Read the text about the effect of stress on young people. Some words are missing. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each gap (1–10). Put a cross () in the correct box. The first one (0) has been done for you. Could too much homework become … 0 to your child’s health? In a recent TV documentary, several teens reported they were feeling overwhelmed due to lots of homework, high … 1 to get good grades and, ultimately, get into college. Fourteen-year-old freshman Natalie stated she was already feeling the heavy … 2 . “When you get a ton of homework assignments and if you feel that you don’t do all of them perfectly, and you’re already worrying in your freshman year that you’re not going to get into college, it causes you to panic,” she said. The stress is taking a … 3 on students, not only emotionally, but physically too. “My heart starts beating really fast and I get really nervous wondering how am I going to get all of this done in … 4 ?” Natalie added. Some students revealed they were spending hours completing piles of homework. “I get home maybe around 6, I stay up until midnight doing homework, and then I get up at 6 a.m. to do more homework,” Natalie declared. This, of course, … 5 little time for anything else, including sleep. Researchers at Stanford University recently said the number of teens seeking therapy to help manage this stress is on the … 6 . “We’re seeing increased pressures to get into college. We have young kids in 9th grade contemplating what they’re going to do with their lives. They’re so … 7 with having to make these decisions and the competition,” said Talia Filippelli, of Starr Psychotherapy. Filippelli revealed that depression, anxiety, moodiness, nervousness, stomach aches, headaches and exhaustion were the most … 8 effects of school stress. Parents can help by managing their own stress levels. “Parents living high-stress lives don’t realise that their kids are actually mirroring and … 9 the way they handle stress,” Filippelli said. For children and teens who aren’t able to manage their stress while in school, it may … 10 to other stress-related illnesses when they get older, including obesity, diabetes and heart disease. (; adapted and abridged) 0 A risky B painful C destructive D harmful ✘ 1 A demands B requests C interests D pursuits 2 A benefit B hardship C difficulty D burden 3 A payment B toll C expense D value 4 A punctuality B deadline C time D moment 5 A denies B has C leaves D makes 6 A boost B progress C growth D rise 7 A excited B touched C overwhelmed D moved 8 A common B popular C routine D everyday 9 A cloning B copying C doing D making like 10 A introduce B lead C pass D set up 2 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv