Prime Time 7/8. Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

K Key 119 When an issue needs to be sorted out after six, you are somehow always the only one available, and it’s made clear that your date plans are not a priority. If this sounds like you, you may be the victim of what a recent Marie Claire article calls “the newest form of workplace discrimination: Single women who carry an unfair burden at the office, and stand in for their married-with-kids co-workers.” Employers have got used to working parents leaving at a reasonable hour and not working weekends, they’ve also got used to single staffers, particularly single women, picking up the work that employees with kids won’t get to. The result for those single women is no personal life, which limits both their overall well-being and their ability to meet a prospective partner and have children of their own. Even if single men face the same dilemma, it’s easy to see how single women are especially vulnerable to it. The most popular job for American women as of 2020 is still secretary/administrative assistant, which has been a top ten job for women for the last 60 years. We’re historically conditioned to think of female workers as those who support other workers. At the same time, women have just been told to be as ambitious as they can, which can very easily translate into saying “yes” to whatever project is handed to them. Proofreading: Female authors who use male pseudonyms 0: super, 00: , 1: friend, 2: of, 3: over, 4: , 5: in, 6: modern, 7: , 8: out, 9: no, 10: , 11: last, 12: , 13: to, 14: first, 15: role, 16: , 17: not, 18: , 19: black English similes a) 1. I, 2. J, 3. A, 4. F, 5. B, 6. K, 7. L, 8. E, 9. D, 10. G, 11. H, 12. C b) 1. a lamb, 2. gold, 3. a wolf, 4. life, 5. the hills, 6. a church mouse, 7. a razor, 8. a dog, 9. silk, 10. a ghost c) as stubborn as a mule – as sturdy as an oak – as tall as a giraffe – as timid as a mouse – as wise as an owl – as white as snow – as tough as old boots – as quick as lightning – as silent as the grave – as slippery as an eel – as slow as a snail – as strong as an ox – as straight as an arrow – as solid as a rock Unit 14 Migration (Key) Analysing statistics b) 1. bar, 2. number, 3. refers, 4. represented/ depicted/shown, 5. draw, 6. see, 7. peaked/rose, 8. dropped, 9. decrease/decline, 10. low, 11. closely, 12. notice/see/detect, 13. permanent, 14. surge/ increase/rise c) Individual answers Word formation: The story of Filipino immigration to Canada a) • to achieve, (over-/under-)achiever, achievement, achievable • to arrive, –, arrival, arriving • to connect, –, connection/connective/ connector, connectable/connective • to dedicate, dedicator, dedication, dedicated • to elect, electee/elector, election/elective, electable • to facilitate, facilitator, facilitation, facilitative • –, –, immediacy, immediate • to immigrate, immigrant, immigration, immigrating • to integrate, –, integration, integrable • to nurse, nurse, nursing, nursing • –, –, permanency/permanence, permanent • to reside, resident, residency, residing/resident • to settle, settler, settlement, settled/unsettling • to sponsor, sponsor, sponsorship, sponsored • to strengthen, –, strengthening, strong b) 1. strengthening, 2. residency, 3. nursed, 4. arrival, 5. connectable, 6. immediate, 7. dedication, 8. election, 9. permanent, 10. achievable c) 0: immigration 1: residents 2: arrivals/arrivers 3: immediate 4: permanent 5: achieved 6: sponsorship/sponsoring 7: settle 8: nursing 9: dedicated 10: facilitates 11: integrated 12: elected 13: strengthening 14: connection Migrating to the United States a) 1. parts, 2. contributions, 3. enrich, 4. legacy, 5. apply, 6. loyalty, 7. rewarded, 8. privileges b) 1. to qualify, 2. permanent, continuous, 3. eligible, 4. criminal record, 5. to deny, 6. applicant, 7. to declare, 8. oath Language in use: Why immigrants are more successful than you a) 0: workweek 1: work/do 2: full-time 3: money 4: earn 5: ask 6: education 7: degree 8: answer 6 7 1 2 3 4 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv