Prime Time 7/8. Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

K Key 115 5: labourers 6: ranking 7: rules 8: punishment 9: strengthen 10: unacceptable 11: unsuccessful 12: adoption 13: economic 14: addition 15: Gradually 16: divisions Language in use: Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi – The Great Soul 0: K, 1: D, 2: F, 3: G, 4: L, 5: N, 6: E, 7: C, 8: M, 9: B, 10: J, 11: H Not used: activation (A), movement (I) Synonyms and antonyms 1. independent, 2. discrimination, 3. strategy, 4. supporters, 5. taxes, 6. creation, 7. to split, 8. territories Language in use: Bollywood 0: combination 1: originated 2: growing 3: released 4: sold 5: financially 6: entertainment 7: popular 8: Originally 9: colourful 10: specifically 11: typical 12: following Unit 7 Celebrities (Key) Too many talent shows on TV in China? a) 1. copycat, 2. opportunities, 3. broadcasting, 4. choice, 5. audience’s, 6. unpopular, 7. uncover, 8. standards, 9. ratings, 10. excellent, 11. thrive, 12. administrative, 13. improve b) Individual answers Language in use: How to know all the latest celebrity gossip 0: unexpectedly 1: disadvantage 2: unrealistic 3: insignificant 4: irresistible 5: unwilling 6: misleading 7: nonstop 8: Unlike 9: uncensored 10: distasteful 11: inappropriate 12: inconvenient 13: mis-/disinformed 14: impatient 15: unhappy 16: illegal Opposites, opposites a) un-: unable, unafraid, unavailable, unaware, uncertain, unclear, unfriendly, unhelpful, unknown, unpleasant, unrealistic de-/dis-: to deactivate, to disagree, to deconstruct, to disinform, disloyal, displeased, to distrust im-/in-: inaccurate, inadequate, inappropriate, incapable, incompatible, incomplete, inflexible, immature, impatient, imperfect, impossible, insecure, insignificant, insufficient, invisible ir-: irregular, irrelevant, irresistible, irresponsible il-: illegal, illegible, illiterate, illogical b) 1. unable, 2. illegal, 3. unafraid, 4. insufficient, 5. deactivate, 6. illiterate, 7. inappropriate, 8. distrust, 9. uncertain, 10. impatient Learning vocabulary: Recording vocabulary a) 1. close-up, 2. extra, 3. cutter, 4. cast, 5. director, 6. credits, 7. screenplay, 8. location b)–c) Individual answers Language in use: Attack of the paparazzi 0: actually 1: hundreds 2: makes 3: consumers 4: tiniest 5: awareness 6: sixth 7: alarming 8: finally 9: security 10: constantly 11: different 12: neighbourhood Unit 8 Art (Key) Artists Performing arts and music: actor/actress, ballet dancer, choreographer, composer, conductor, director, DJ, entertainer, musician, singer, soloist, songwriter, vocalist 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 1 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv