Prime Time 7/8. Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

S Sample Matura tasks 109 Banked gap fill: Social media stardom – The price of privacy Read the text about balancing privacy of and public interest in social media influencers. Some words are missing. Choose the correct word (A–L) for each gap (1–9). There are two extra words that you should not use. Write your answers in the boxes provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. In the whirlwind world of social … 0 , becoming a celebrity seems as easy as sharing a snapshot of your life. But what happens when that snapshot becomes a full-length feature of your most private … 1 ? This is the reality for many young influencers who gain fame and fortune by broadcasting their personal lives, relationships and breakups. The big question is: Where do we draw the … 2 between public interest and private life? Picture this: You’re scrolling through your feed, and there’s another post from your favourite influencer. They’re … 3 intimate details about their life – it’s raw, it’s real and it’s relatable. But then, things take a turn. The relationship that you’ve been following like a TV series ends. Suddenly, the posts aren’t so fun anymore. They’re messy, sad and … 4 personal. This scenario raises a crucial issue: Is it OK for the public to expect continuous access to the personal lives of these influencers, especially during their downfalls? After all, many argue that influencers who have built their … 5 and income on sharing their private lives shouldn’t be surprised when their audience expects that narrative to continue, even during the hard times. However, it’s essential to remember that influencers are more than their social media persona. They’re real people with real … 6 , and, like anyone else, they deserve the right to privacy, especially during vulnerable moments like a breakup. No paycheck … 7 the invasion of someone’s personal space during times of emotional turmoil. It’s a delicate balance. On one hand, influencers do have a responsibility to their audience, especially if their brand is built on authenticity and sharing their personal life. On the other hand, the audience must understand the … 8 of what is public and what should remain private. The downfall of a celebrity is often sensationalised, and it’s easy to forget that behind every post is a person going through a genuine human experience. As consumers of social media, we need to foster a culture of empathy and respect, recognising that influencers are entitled to their private lives just like we are. While influencers may have chosen a public career, it doesn’t mean their entire life is up for public … 9 . Respect for privacy isn’t just a celebrity issue; it’s a human one. As we navigate this digital age, let’s remember to treat online personalities with the same dignity and respect we’d want for ourselves. A boundaries E justifies I moments 0 H 4 8 B brands F lawsuit J privacy 1 5 9 C consumption G line K sharing 2 6 D emotions H media L uncomfortably 3 7 6 ✔ Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv