Prime Time 7/8. Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

S 104 Sample Matura tasks Multiple choice: Migrants in Mexico waiting to cross Read the text about migrants waiting to cross the border to the US. Some words are missing. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each gap (1–9). Put a cross () in the correct box. The first one (0) has been done for you. If it … 0 live off legitimate enterprise, Altar, in Sonora state, would be just another victim of the battering Mexico’s rural economy has suffered. But the tiny town … 1 in a way that its vanished ranchers could not have imagined. The thousands of young people who … 2 into town every month are the raw material of its new industry: immigrant smuggling. Located just 60 miles south of Arizona, Altar … 3 as a giant waiting room for migrants crossing into America through one of the most punishing deserts in the western hemisphere. “It’s the last piece of civilisation they’ll see for three, four, five or six days,” says Francisco Garcia Aten, who manages a shelter … 4 by the Catholic church. Founded as a military base in 1775, the town lost its farm income during an economic crisis in the 1990s. At the same time, American immigration authorities tightened the border in urban areas, pushing migrants into remote areas like southern Arizona. In cooler weather, some 1,000 to 3,000 a day … 5 in Altar, whose resident population is just 14,000. On any street corner they can … 6 buying backpacks, water, shoes, hats and tinned food especially in the cooler spring months. A ride to the border, with 25–30 migrants crammed into a van, costs $15. From there prices vary, depending on how far the “coyotes” take their … 7 . The lucky ones soon find themselves picking grapes in California or roofing houses in Florida. Many … 8 , deported or both, often ending up back in Altar. One man … 9 28 times before making it into the United States, says Mr Garcia. (The Economist; adapted and abridged) 0 A have to B is able to C had to ✘ D can 1 A booms B is booming C boomed D has boomed 2 A peer B pear C pour D pair 3 A has served B served C serves D is served 4 A provided B providing C proved D proving 5 A have arrived B will arrive C arrived D arrive 6 A spot B be seen C observe D see 7 A consumers B costumers C customers D custodians 8 A rob B are robbing C are robbed D robbers 9 A has tried B tried C is tried D is trying 1 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv