Prime Time 7/8. Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

20 Lifelong learning 103 Language in use: Applying for university a) Read the extract from an application letter to a university. Some words are missing. Complete the text by writing one word for each gap (1–12) in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. I am writing to express my … 0 in studying at the University of South Carolina. I am currently completing my last semester at Chinook High School, and I will be … 1 in two weeks. I have always found the field of education fascinating and rewarding. Thus, a bachelor’s … 2 in education has been my dream. I have spent my high school years in Ohio. I feel that I have acquired a solid intellectual foundation to … 3 my undergraduate studies at the University of South Carolina, as proved by my enclosed SAT score and GPA. I have also received several honors and … 4 for my academic achievement during my middle and high school years. In addition, I have acquired transferable skills such as the ability to identify and solve … 5 , excellent verbal and written … 6 skills, and an appreciation for attention to detail that will help me succeed in my future professional … 7 . More importantly, I am highly motivated. I understand that … 8 such as patience, diligence, sensitivity, enthusiasm and commitment are needed in order to work with children in school and extra-curricular settings, and I believe I would … 9 a valuable asset to the educational field. As required by the school, I am enclosing the filled-in application form to pursue my bachelor’s degree in education from your esteemed school. In addition, my … 10 and three letters of recommendation are attached. 0 interest 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 b) Complete the sentences below with suitable words. Make sure you use the correct forms. 4 ✔ academic achievement application form to be highly motivated to graduate to express one’s interest in sth. solid intellectual foundation transferable skills 1. I am writing to express my interest in studying at the University of South Carolina. 2. I am currently completing my last semester in Chinook High School, and I in two weeks. 3. I feel that I have acquired a to continue pursuing my undergraduate studies at the University of South Carolina as proved by the enclosed SAT score and my GPA. 4. I have also received several honours and awards for my during the middle and high school years. 5. I have acquired such as the ability to identify and solve problems, excellent verbal and written communication skills, and an appreciation for attention to detail. 6. I am and am a student with good academic, athletic and interpersonal skills. 7. As required by the school, I am enclosing the filled-in to pursue my bachelor’s degree in education from your esteemed school. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv