Prime Time 7/8. Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

20 100 Lifelong learning Homeschooling: If a child gets bored at school, blame the system a) Do you associate the words below rather with the traditional education system or with homeschooling, an educational model in which parents tutor their children at home? 2 adventure • anti-bullying • attention span • coach • connection to life • creative • curious • curriculum • drama group • eagerness • excellence • excitement • facilities • fascination • frustration • idling • novelty • patience • repetitive • stimulating • timetable • tutor Traditional education system Homeschooling b) Fill in the opposites of the words below. Use the words from the green box in task 2a. Word Opposite Word Opposite 1. disinterested curious 5. active 2. indifference 6. routine 3. disinterest 7. sporadic 4. satisfaction 8. numbing c) Read the text about homeschooling. Some words are missing. Complete the text by writing one word for each gap (1–10) in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. My daughter Matilda loved reading. She always asked … 0 . Her mind was a cauldron of bubbly eagerness, never idling, ever curious. That was ten years ago, when she was nearly seven, brimming with excitement about … 1 off into a new academic year at her school in Kent. But over the … 2 of that one term she turned into a completely different child. She stopped reading. Getting ready for school became a daily battle. It was as if her innate curiosity had flipped, like a … 3 , into angry, bitter complaint. Something had gone terribly wrong. It dawned on me, gradually, that she was quite simply bored, not least because she was being given mind-numbingly repetitive work. Matilda’s teacher insisted there wasn’t a problem as she was doing well in her tests. The head teacher told us not to fuss, it was a phase that would soon pass. But seeing our fizz-ball of a daughter literally fizzle out within just a few weeks of changing class was too appalling for us to see. We felt compelled to do something. We tried … 4 for another school – both in the private and state sectors. To our astonishment, none offered us much comfort. They talked about wonderful food, superlative facilities, excellence in health and safety, anti-bullying and, of course, their great results, but none ever volunteered a zero-tolerance policy on boredom. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv