anorexic !+xnE*reksIk? Anorexic teens’ excessive slimming leads to health risks. magersüchtig peer For teenagers their peers matter more than their parents. Gleichaltrige/r, -rangige/r pageant !*pxdZEnt? Pageants are also called beauty contests. Schönheitswettbewerb 2 flash in the pan His enthusiasm turned out to be a flash in the pan. Strohfeuer short-lived Her success in golf was short-lived and over again soon. kurzlebig groundbreaking The discovery of penicillin was a groundbreaking event. bahnbrechend irreversible The trend towards body modification seems irreversible. unumkehrbar fad !fxd? Fads often fade when most people have adopted them. Modeerscheinung craze I don’t want to be part of the latest craze in fashion. Fimmel, Marotte Living dolls 1 to parade The little girls paraded in front of the judges. auf und ab gehen ball gown !bC"l GaUn? She had always wanted a red ball gown. Ballkleid to venture into Nobody dared to venture into the cave. sich an etw. wagen glittery The comedian used glittery spectacles as his hallmark. glitzernd to accompany The singer was accompanied by a traditional jazz band. begleiten eyelids Her eyelids were blue and green. Augenlider to powder She powdered her face to look younger. pudern eyeshadow She had powdered her eyelids with dark eyeshadow. Lidschatten sparkly Anna preferred the sparkly shoes. funkelnd hairclip Her red hairclips went together well with her lipstick. Haarspange studded with His belt was studded with spikes. besetzt mit fabric !*fxbrIk? The fabric was not thin enough for this purpose. Stoff aspiring !E*spaIErIN? He is a young aspiring lawyer. ehrgeizig to enter Having entered the contest too late, I could not take part. an etw. teilnehmen contestant The contestants were asked to go behind the stage. Teilnehmer/in in einem Bewerb to consist of Our family consists of numerous members. bestehen aus taffeta !*txfItE? Taffeta used to be very popular some years ago. Taft to display The new edition was displayed in the shop window. zeigen, zur Schau stellen baton-twirling !*bxtEn+tw3"lIN? Baton-twirling is quite popular among young girls. einen Stab wirbeln lucrative !*lu"krEtIv? Starlet signs lucrative contract with perfume company lohnend, lukrativ to pocket They pocketed all the money without telling anyone. sich aneignen, einstecken to undergo She had to undergo heart surgery. It was really serious. durchmachen, erfahren, sich (einer Operation) unterziehen to keep up appearances He kept up appearances even though he had lost his job. den Schein wahren to insist on The plumber insisted on being paid for the job. bestehen auf spray tan As it had been raining during their holidays they put on a spray tan to pretend that the weather had been fine. künstliche Sonnenbräune acrylic !E*krIlIk? They used acrylic paint instead of oil paint. Acrylto bleach !bli"tS? Bleaching one’s teeth is one way to look nicer. bleichen exploitative Such events must be called exploitative. ausbeuterisch to adopt Children often adopt their parents’ values. annehmen, übernehmen semi-sexualised Her semi-sexualised behaviour didn’t impress the judges. halb-sexualisiert to enforce The law needs to be enforced by the police. durchsetzen pastime !*pA"staIm? Chess was her favourite pastime. Zeitvertreib self-esteem Self-esteem is often hard for teenagers to learn. Selbstwertgefühl time-consuming He loves his job, but it is very time-consuming. zeitaufwändig costly This idea proved to be rather costly. teuer suitably I’m looking for a suitably modest dress for a funeral. passend tailor-made His coat was tailor-made; it fitted perfectly. maßgeschneidert laced with !leIst wID? The front was laced with precious stones. hier: übersät mit polka-dot dress One thing he could remember was her polka-dot dress. getupftes Kleid padded bra Padded bras were sold at £29.99. ausgepolsterter BH pole-dancing kit The pole-dancing kit was ridiculously expensive. Pole-Dancing-Ausrüstung to aim at This event is aimed at young children. zielen auf scantily clad !*skxntIlI klxd? At the club they were welcomed by scantily clad women. spärlich bekleidet sensible She is quite sensible, she would not do that. vernünftig well-balanced A well-balanced diet is vital to staying healthy. ausgewogen to decrease The number of traditional families keeps decreasing. schrumpfen, abnehmen 203 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv