Prime Time 6, Schulbuch

V China’s New Silk Road to connect The bridge will connect the two cities. verbinden to include The price will include all taxes and fees. beinhalten powerful The hurricane was very powerful and caused a lot of damage. mächtig concern There are growing concerns about climate change. Bedenken to attract The city hopes to attract more tourists with the new museum. anziehen 2 trade The two countries have strong trade relations. Handel pipeline The new pipeline will transport oil across the region. Pipeline unity The team showed great unity during the match. Einheit infrastructure The city is investing in infrastructure development. Infrastruktur growth The company has seen significant growth this year. Wachstum challenge Learning a new language can be a challenge. Herausforderung debt Many students are burdened with student debt after graduation. Schulden influence Media has a big influence on public opinion. Einfluss vision The artist had a unique vision for her artwork. Vision opportunity The internship offers a great opportunity for learning. Gelegenheit responsible Every citizen should be responsible for the environment. verantwortungsbewusst Check-out 2 communication device Cyberbullying can occur through any communication device. Kommunikationsgerät 3 to expand to Google Street View expands to Antarctica. sich ausdehnen to stay in touch with He still stays in touch with his ex-teammates. mit jmdm. in Kontakt bleiben to become unified They came together as one and became unified. vereinigt werden 4 multilingualism Multilingualism opens up opportunities for communication and understanding. Mehrsprachigkeit intercultural Intercultural exchanges enrich our understanding of other cultures. interkulturell nuance Understanding the nuances of a language can be challenging. feiner Unterschied perspective Seeing things from another’s perspective can be enlightening. Perspektive immediate The immediate response to the crisis was crucial. unmittelbar cross-border Cross-border collaboration can solve regional issues. grenzüberschreitend vital Access to clean water is vital for survival. lebenswichtig worldview Travelling can significantly change your worldview. Weltanschauung South Africa landmark The Matterhorn is Switzerland’s most famous landmark. Wahrzeichen stopover point The hotel is a convenient stopover point for business travellers. Zwischenstopp spice route spice route = the route from Europe to Asia Gewürzstraße trader trader  to trade with Händler/in legislative !*ledZIslEtIv? We demand a tax reform in the current legislative period. gesetzgebend, Gesetzgebungsadministrative capital Pretoria is the administrative capital of South Africa. Verwaltungssitz judicial !dZu"dISl? You should have confidence in your judicial system. gerichtlich, Gerichtsto be host to I want to be a good host to you. Gastgeber/in für … sein well-suited to This area is well-suited to storing natural gas. gut geeignet für endurance sports !In*djUErEns spC"ts? Endurance sports lead to stress reduction. Ausdauersport manufacturing sector Globalisation led to grave changes in the manufacturing sector. Produktionssektor, Industrie constitutional democracy The USA is a constitutional democracy. konstitutionelle Demokratie currency Many countries have adopted the Euro as their currency. Währung racial separation Another term for racial separation is racial segregation. Rassentrennung to oppress For centuries, whites oppressed the Black majority in South Africa. unterdrücken 1 a variety of Western supermarkets offer a large variety of products. eine Vielfalt von/an Unit 6 192 Vocabulary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv