Prime Time 6, Schulbuch

4 water footprint The water footprint explains the amount of water being used for a certain production process. Wasserverbrauch ethical !*eTIkl? Social standards in production matter to ethical shoppers. ethisch, sittlich gut precious !*preSEs? Precious stones worth millions of pounds were stolen. wertvoll hidden implications The hidden implications are not quite clear yet. verborgene Auswirkungen groceries Buying groceries at the delicatessen can be expensive. Lebensmittel stationery !*steISnErI? The stationary shop offered all kinds of pens and pencils. Bürobedarf league table !li"G *teIbl? League tables make it easier to compare public services. Rangliste offender Young offenders are often sent to special schools. (Straf-)Täter/in modest She was so modest that she didn’t want to be mentioned. bescheiden to minimise The police tried to minimise her influence on the crowd. reduzieren, minimieren wastage !weIstIdZ? Stopping water wastage would reduce water rates. Verschwendung to evaporate !I*vxpEreIt? The lake water evaporated very quickly in the heat. verdunsten to irrigate The new irrigation system helped water their fields. bewässern Research skills: Researching effectively subject guide The subject guide helped him to refine his search. Stichwörterverzeichnis directory In this directory her name could not be found. Verzeichnis inverted commas Inverted commas look like this: “…” Anführungszeichen country code When calling abroad, first dial the country code. Ländercode top-level domain !tOp *levl dEU*meIn? The top-level domain name had been changed, so I could not open the website any more. oberster Domainname, Internetadresse to deal with He was even unable to deal with an unruly five-year-old. umgehen mit 1 to generate If a computer runs at full speed, it generates heat. erzeugen prompt card Many speakers use prompt cards in order to remember what to say. Karten mit Notizen 2 to trap When they left, they soon realised that they were trapped and could not escape. (mit einer Falle) fangen, hier: speichern hence She hurt her finger, hence the band aid. daher to differentiate You ought to differentiate between girls and boys in their reaction. unterscheiden appliance Switch off all appliances when you leave. Gerät (z. B. Elektrogerät) inflated This system allows you to know if, and when, your tires are under-inflated. mit Luft gefüllt necessity I had to learn how to use computers, it was a sheer necessity to survive in my job. Notwendigkeit to enhance There are many things you can do to enhance your performance in school. erhöhen, verstärken, verbessern Discussing environmental issues 1 to raise money for The coffee morning raised money for Macmillan Cancer Supports services. Geld aufbringen to cease The café ceased to operate becaue of lack of money. aufhören ozone layer The stratospheric ozone layer protects the Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Ozonschicht to donate She donated all her money to the cancer charity. (Geld) spenden to determine Your height determines the group you are in. bestimmen to compile Montrose officials are compiling data from a recent household survey. zusammenstellen Check-out 2 automotive sector These are hard times for the British automotive sector. Automobilsektor to combine Vienna is an ideal city to combine shopping and sightseeing. verbinden energy-efficient Solar panels will be installed to make their home more energy-efficient. energiesparend 3 school board The school board decided to send a letter to the mayor. Schulverwaltungsrat conventionalised format There is no conventionalised format for such a letter. You can write it in any way you like. durch Konvention festgelegtes Format routine factual information Routine factual information is fairly easy to understand. alltägliche Sachinformation to state reasons If you refuse to help, you have to state your reasons. Gründe nennen 187 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv