Prime Time 6, Schulbuch

V bottle bank Glass bottles are collected in bottle banks for recycling. Glassammelstelle landfill site Local residents are strongly against the new landfill site. Mülldeponie 2 species !*spi"Si"z? A species is a group of animals with similar features. Spezies to become extinct Tropical birds unfortunately have become extinct here. aussterben carbon dioxide !*kA"bEn daI*OksaId? Carbon dioxide not only makes your drinks fizzy, it also contributes to the greenhouse effect. Kohlendioxyd emissions !I*mISnz? Emissions from traffic have doubled in a very short time. Gasausstoß, Emissionen Climate change 1 biodiversity !+baIEUdaI*v3"sEtI? There are a lot of concerns about the direct effects of climate change and ocean acidification on biodiversity. Artenvielfalt, Biodiversität to emit Traditional cars emit enormous amounts of carbon dioxide. etw. absondern, ausstoßen exhaust fumes Diesel exhaust fumes linked to heart disease Auspuffgase fossil fuel Our massive fossil fuel consumption produces nasty side effects such as climate change or acidified oceans. fossiler Brennstoff glacier !*GlxsjE? Despite a cold summer with some snow at altitude Europe’s glaciers are still in retreat. Gletscher habitat The projects will improve the habitat for Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) in Kansas. Lebensraum (non-)renewable resources Renewable resources are hailed as the way forward. (nicht) erneuerbare Ressourcen chlorofluorocarbon!+klC"rEU+ flC"rEU*kA"bEn? A single chlorofluorocarbon molecule escaping from an old refrigerator can destroy 100,000 ozone molecules. Fluor-Chlor-Kohlen-Wasserstoff (FCKW) pollutant The pollutant numbers represent an average for pollutant levels over the past 24 hours. Schadstoff weather pattern This weekend features a weather pattern that looks more like one you would see in the winter months. Witterungsverhältnisse devastating This is a devastating blow to us. verheerend, vernichtend abruptly The car ahead of us stopped abruptly. schlagartig, unerwartet toll The economic crisis has taken a heavy toll on us as well. hier: Tribut vein !veIn? A children’s hospital is using a new device that helps doctors and nurses locate veins for injections. Ader, Vene to be in denial about sth. Baby boomers in denial about their health in retirement etw. verleugnen 2 prediction The predictions for next year are not very encouraging. Vorhersage Language skills: Expressing facts and figures 1 decimal point The decimal points are important for accurate weighing. Komma abbreviation UN is an abbreviation for United Nations. Abkürzung nitrogen !*naItrEdZEn? Air contains a large amount of nitrogen and oxygen. Stickstoff fertiliser When they started to use fertiliser, their crops doubled. Dünger metric tonne A metric tonne of water equals one cubic metre of water. metrische Tonne (1.000 kg) to harvest They harvested their first crops a year after their arrival. ernten non-metric measurement !+nOn*metrIk *meZEmEnt? Non-metric measurements like feet and ounces are sometimes confusing for people on the continent. nicht-metrische Maße pint of !E paInt Ev? He drank three pints of beer and then he was drunk. Pint (UK: 0,568 l, US: 0,473 l) gallon of !E *GxlEn Ev? The price for a gallon of petrol is really high today. Gallone (UK: 4,546 l, US: 3,785 l) 3 raw material Raw materials are needed for the production of goods. Rohmaterial insecticide !In*sektIsaId? Organic food does not contain insecticides. Insektizid Environmental footprints 1 carbon footprint The carbon footprint of a trip to the US is enormous. Kohlendioxyd-Fußabdruck 2 shallots Shallots are delicious when used in salads. Frühlingszwiebeln locavore !*lEUkEvC"? As a locavore she only buys food from the local area and not from overseas. jmd., der/die lokal erzeugte Lebensmittel konsumiert greenhouse gases Greenhouse gases contribute to global warming. Treibhausgase as a result of Much food is thrown away as a result of overproduction. auf Grund von, infolge to account for Transport accounts for a large part of carbon dioxide emissions. verantwortlich sein für equivalent to This behaviour is equivalent to racism. gleichwertig mit equal to There is no doubt that women are equal to men. gleich to poke holes in/into A recent study has poked holes in their theory. hier: in Frage stellen 186 Vocabulary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv