Prime Time 6, Schulbuch

inclusive An inclusive society values diversity and equality. inklusiv harmful Smoking is harmful to your health. schädlich mystery The disappearance of the ancient civilisation remains a mystery. Geheimnis bias It’s important to recognise and challenge our biases. Voreingenommenheit Check-out 1 to navigate Navigating through the dense forest, the explorers relied on their compass. navigieren, sich orientieren digital ethicist Digital ethicists evaluate the ethical implications of new technologies. digitaler Ethiker, digitale Ethikerin people skills Good people skills are essential for effective communication and collaboration. Sozialkompetenz 2 playground Children enjoy spending their free time at the playground. Spielplatz online hate speech Online hate speech is a concerning issue that needs addressing. Online-Hassrede psychologist A psychologist can help people deal with their mental health issues. Psychologe/Psychologin anxious Exams can make students feel anxious. ängstlich therapist Seeing a therapist can be beneficial for mental health. Therapeut/in confidence Building confidence is key to achieving success. Selbstvertrauen Multi-ethnic society multi-ethnic society !+m0ltI*eTnIk sE*saIEtI? In a multi-ethnic society people from various backgrounds live together peacefully. multikulturelle Gesellschaft cultural influence !*k0ltSErEl *InflUEns? The cultural influence of the British on their colonies was enormous. kultureller Einfluss mass immigration Climate change and war might lead to mass immigration. Masseneinwanderung for economic reasons Years ago their family left Russia for economic reasons. aus wirtschaftlichen Gründen to judge sb. by You should not judge anybody by the colour of their skin. jmdn. beurteilen nach physical appearance !*fIzIkl E*pIErEns? His physical appearance is rough, but he is really nice. äußere Erscheinung 2 plantation owner Plantation owners in the US didn’t want slaves to be free. Plantagenbesitzer/in slave trade The slave trade was a key feature of colonialism. Sklavenhandel Caribbeans in the UK 1 barber My barber recommended this shampoo to me. (Herren-)Friseur grocer !*GrEUsE? I went to the grocer’s to get some food for the weekend. Lebensmittelhändler/in the Black pound The Black pound has turned out to be important for the local economy. Geld, das von schwarzen Kund/ innen ausgegeben wird 2 verbal abuse !*v3"bl E*bju"s? We were exposed to verbal abuse and nobody stopped it. Beschimpfung low wage !lEU weIdZ? Due to their low wages, the workers could not afford cars. Niedriglohn to respond to The police responded to the new situation calmly. reagieren auf surroundings !sE*raUndINz? In his surroundings there was no one he could relate to. Umgebung 3 factual text Don’t write about your emotions in a factual text. Sachtext suitable I think he is not a suitable candidate for the job. passend 4 complexity People often underestimate the complexity of integration. Komplexität 5 to mark This marks the day when they first set foot on the island. angeben, bezeichnen to judge from Judging from her appearance she’s about 40 years old. urteilen nach Presenting information about ethnic minorities 1 front room The front room in a small British house is the centre of family life. zur Straße hin orientiertes Wohnzimmer Looking at ethnic traditions in the UK 1 caterer We disliked their food so we changed the caterer. Lebensmittellieferant/in diner !*dAInE? A diner is a small roadside restaurant. Diner raffle !*rxfl? I had lost my raffle ticket and could not claim my prize. Tombola, Verlosung poverty The Census Bureau reported that the poverty rate was up. Armut spicy I prefer spicy food to flat dishes that taste like nothing. würzig, pikant duration We were not allowed to leave the police station for the duration of the protest march. Dauer Unit 2 183 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv