Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

b) Talk about your family and the languages your relatives (parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, …) speak. • Where do they come from? • What languages do they speak? • Which language/dialect is the one you use at home? c) Describe your own language skills. Language 1 Language 2 Language 3 Which languages do you speak? How long have you been learning these languages? Where have you been learning these languages? Have you stayed in a country where these languages are widely used? Are you a native speaker of one of these languages? How well do you know these languages? beginner intermediate advanced beginner intermediate advanced beginner intermediate advanced d) In pairs, talk to each other about the languages you know and how, where and why you learned them. e) Explain to your partner how well you can understand/speak/read/write these languages. f) Look at the map below and describe to which language group these languages belong. g) Present each other to your classmates. Talk about the languages your partner knows and explain why he/she has learned a foreign language. Useful phrases Language I can speak … fluently. • My first language is … . • I am a native speaker of … . • I can understand simple statements. I have been learning … for … years. • I have been learning … at home/in school/ from my parents/ from my grandmother … . • I have just started learning … . I have never stayed in … . • I went to … in 20.. . • I have been to … three times. • I visited my family in … . I can (hardly) answer questions spontaneously. • I can talk about familiar topics. • I can talk about personal details. • I can make myself understood in most situations. • I can cope with most everyday situations. I can chat with people in … . • I can explain my problems in … . I think complex sentences are difficult/hard to understand. • I can take part in discussions on complex topics. P England Island Dänemark Griechenland Türkei Slow. Kroatien Österreich Estland Lettland Litauen Polen Mazedonien Schweiz Ungarn Bulgarien Deutschland Alban. Tschech. Rep. Slowak. Rep. Rumänien Moldau Spanien Frankreich Weißrussland Ukraine Serbien Bosn. Herzeg. Italien Russland Norwegen Schweden Finnland Irland Portugal Niederlande FL Belgien L Albanian Baltic languages Germanic languages Greek Romance languages Slavic languages Turkish Uralic languages (Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian) Indo-European languages Other languages FIN SLO EST IS UK S DK D IRL N AL LV PL P RO MD LT SK BG CZ RUS TR I A CH E H HR BY UA MK BIH GR NL SRB B F 9 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv