Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

Applying for a job How to write an e-mail/a letter of application  WG 4 An e-mail/A letter of application is a formal e-mail/letter that is sent to companies to apply for a job. A number of standard parts should always be included. a) Match the terms for the parts of a letter with the correct definitions. 1 person receiving the letter A body of the letter 2 your address B final salutation 3 what the letter is about C enclosure 4 phrase of greeting before the body of the letter D salutation 5 main part of the letter E return address 6 letter closing F reference 7 something placed in the envelope together with the letter G addressee b) Match the terms for the parts of a letter with the coloured parts of the example letter below and add the correct number. c) Naomi divided her letter into three paragraphs. Match an appropriate description with each one. 1 paragraph 1 A important points from your CV 2 paragraph 2 B friendly ending which looks forward to a reply 3 paragraph 3 C the reason why you are writing this letter d) Say how the letter is different in style and form from a letter to a friend. Collect phrases that are typical of letters of application and write them down in your learning journal. 1 BBC Peterborough Studio Naomi Turner 16–18 Rutland Way 53 Ermine Street Peterborough PE1 5JN Huntingdon PE29 3EZ 3 March 2023 Application for a work experience placement in summer 2023 Dear Mr Webb, I am writing to apply for a work experience placement with the BBC this summer. Your name was given to me by friends in Peterborough. When I leave school I plan to study meteorology. As you will see from the enclosed CV, I have got a GCSE in geography so I already have some knowledge of the subject. In addition, I have also worked for our school radio station. I hope very much that you are able to offer me a placement. I would work hard for your company and make myself as useful as possible. Thank you for reading this application. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Naomi Turner Encl. CV j 89 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv