Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

7 Listening: Marco’s, Pete’s and Naomi’s work experience You are going to listen to what students Marco, Pete and Naomi say about their work experience. First you will have 45 seconds to study the task below, then you will hear the recording twice. While listening, match the beginnings of the sentences (1–6) with the sentence endings (A–I). There are two sentence endings that you should not use. Write your answers in the boxes provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. 0 I’m going to tell you something … D✔ A so in the end I had to help in a kindergarten. 1 That is not the right job for me … B because of health and safety rules you have to observe. 2 I had hoped … C so that I can choose the right A-level subjects. 3 Unfortunately that was not possible … D about the work experience I did last year. 4 I did not enjoy my work experience … E that I definitely do not want to work in a kindergarten. 5 It taught me … F that I could do my work experience in radio or TV. 6 I still need to think about a career … G to sort out people’s problems with their pets. H because I am not patient enough. I but at least it taught me something. Writing: Naomi’s work experience a) Copy the sentences from the listening task and describe Naomi’s work experience in a blog post. b) Then write a similar statement for either Marco or Pete. Use phrases and ideas from the listening task. Internet project: My biz Many successful business people did not only work part-time when they went to school or university, but they often started their own projects when they were young. Developing special dog treats, programming small computer applications or organising events for other people – many successful companies once started in a student’s bedroom or garage. Have you come across a gap in the market that’s worth being filled with your personal business idea? a) Think about the following steps, which should help you to find your own business idea. • Step 1 – Myself: Which of my talents or interests will help me develop my personal business idea? • Step 2 – Doing market research: Find out on the internet or by talking to friends and family what kind of business or service is really needed. Use the term “great business ideas” as a starting point. • Step 3 – Looking at existing businesses: Find out more about your future competitors on the internet: Who has already had a similar idea to yours? What were their problems? • Step 4 – Planning your own biz: Describe your personal business idea and say what you want to offer to your customers. In addition, explain who you would like to work with, how much money you expect to earn and how you could promote your business. b) Compile your ideas and everything that you’ve found in a folder. c) Present your idea to the class either as a presentation or by showing your folders to each other like at a trade fair. 5 c22 / 6 7 t 88 Jobs Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv