Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

Reporting questions a) Read the report about entering the United States for a summer job. Write down the original sentence and the actual questions side by side in a table in your learning journal. Example: Officer in charge: “How are you doing?” b) Study the direct and indirect questions and highlight the parts that have changed. c) Go to section G 7 in the grammar guide (see page 162) and check what you have highlighted. Work experience: Getting a taste of real life During Year 10 or 11, students in Britain are encouraged to do work experience to get a taste of a job and see what skills they are going to need for the workplace. a) Have you had the chance to get some work experience yet? b) What would you expect from trying out a job yourself? c) Scan this page with the QuickMedia app and watch the video. Then do the extra tasks. 3 j Yesterday I arrived in the United States. At the airport, the officer in charge first asked me how I was doing, but then I had to answer some questions concerning my stay. The officer wanted to know why I had entered the country, whether this was my first trip to the US and how long I intended to stay. He asked if I already knew the address of where I was staying. What I found shocking were the questions about whether I had firearms in my luggage or belonged to a terrorist organisation. He was also interested in my political and religious beliefs. He finally gave me a smile, said I should enjoy my stay and let me through. 4 Work placement: What do you get out of it? ¦ No school for up to two weeks! This might not be as good as it sounds as you might have to get up earlier to travel to your placement, and finish later. ¦ Feel like an adult The chance to be treated like an adult with different responsibilities to those you have at school. ¦ Put your skills to the test The chance to try out those all-important key skills (communication, presentation, time management, …) you have learned at school. Your big chance: Some students get offered part-time or vacation work by their employer if they make a really good impression. Whatever work experience you do, give it a go as you’ll learn a lot. v03 87 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv