Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

7 Jobs, jobs, jobs … Vocabulary: What people say about their jobs Not sure what job you would like to do? Can’t decide which is right for you? Our tip is: Don’t just look at school subjects, think about free-time activities too. Turn your favourite pastime activity into your job! Here is what three interesting people say about their jobs. a) What jobs did these three people choose? Fill in the gaps. railway engineer dancer police officer medical doctor party planner TV presenter Person 1: I’ve always been interested in construction, and I think my job is useful too, because we need to improve our railway system. So I’m a 1 . You see, you can forget about stereotypes when you choose a career! Person 2: When I was studying history, I never dreamed I’d later become a 2 . I like the fact that no two days are the same. But the reality is different from those TV dramas. Fewer dead bodies and more forms to fill in! Person 3: I turned my love of parties into a business and became a 3 ! I organise everything, from theme to food to entertainment. It’s good to be my own boss, but I have to work long and irregular hours. b) Make similar statements about the three jobs not described above. Use typical words and phrases from these texts to sound authentic. Indirect speech: Jobs Take a look at the statements in the previous task. Report what persons 1, 2 and 3 said about their job experiences. Start like this: “Person 1 said that she had always been interested in construction … .” 1 Grammar For more details see  G 7 Indirect speech: Common changes We use indirect speech (also called reported speech) to report what other people said or wrote. When the reporting verb is in the past (e.g. said, explained, reported, …), the tense of the verb in the reported sentence usually changes (tense shift). The changes very much depend on the situation in which people use indirect speech. Tense shift Other changes present simple past simple today  that day ago  before present continuous past continuous yesterday  the day before here  there present perfect past perfect tomorrow  the next/following day this  that past simple past perfect last Monday  the Monday before these  those “will” future would now  then G 2 86 Jobs Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv