Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

Adjectives and adverbs of manner and degree Finding adverbs of manner and degree Take a look at the text “How to make music in your bedroom” on pages 74–75 again and highlight all adverbs of manner and degree you can find. Compare in class. Adverb or adjective? Fill in the correct forms. The lead singer of Ally and the Birdies is such a powerful woman, a 1 (real) highlight. The band’s songs, however, make people 2 (quite – sad) because of the very 3 (personal) lyrics. The background singer’s voice sounds 4 (extreme – weak). Within one year the group became very 5 (famous). What a 6 (grave) mistake not to include Ally in the lineup for ROCK ’N’ AUSTRIA. This year, Hidden Hero & Friends play at the festival – they sound 7 (awful)! Their lyrics don’t touch me 8 (emotional). To my friends they also seem 9 (rather – provocative). Last year, a 10 (terrible) fire destroyed Festival Stage 1 11 (complete). Luckily, nobody was hurt. 1 2 Grammar For more details see  G 6 Modifying meaning with adjectives and adverbs of manner and degree • Adjectives define nouns or pronouns more closely Young people often download digital music from the internet. Downloading music from the internet is often illegal. • After verbs like look (for aussehen), feel, smell, taste, sound, seem, become, get (for werden) we use an adjective – not an adverb. The musician looks good. The music sounded awful. • Adverbs of manner and degree define verbs, adjectives and adverbs more closely. “I am the best singer in the world,” she thought happily. Music is easily accessible on the internet. The guitarist played extremely fast. • Adverbs of manner commonly add -ly to the adjective. However, many adjectives ending in -ly (friendly, silly, …) change into “in a … way”: He talked to the fans in a friendly way. • Sometimes adjectives and adverbs have the same form. Here are some examples: daily  daily fast  fast late  late right  right early  early hard  hard long  long straight  straight • Exception: good  well G Tip Remember • hard = hart Many children have to work hard to pass their tests. They have so much to learn. • hardly = kaum He hardly works at home. He almost always works in his office. T 77 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv