Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

4. Of course before you can make a DIY recording you need a good idea for a song. But what can you do with that idea? Recording some basic audio and vocal tracks is only the beginning. After you’ve done that it’s time to turn your raw file into killer music that people – yes, your future fans! – will want to buy and download or listen to on the radio. Almost every song that has ever been released in the history of music has been mixed and mastered. But it’s not all hard work. You can have a lot of fun, too. For example, you can use the web to download different sound effects. Or you can create your own sound effects to add to your music. You must have heard songs with noises like an engine roaring or a little kid crying. Well, those effects are all created by building samples into the finished recording. Be adventurous. You have a raw music file. With that, you can play around as much as you like. Just be careful not to ruin it with something you might not like! 5. Arctic Monkeys, Lily Allen and almost every musician are now using the web to get their music out there. With social networking sites, SoundCloud, YouTube and other sites like iTunes and Spotify, musicians can offer their own music (whether for money or not) to anyone and everyone who might want to hear it, without the help of a big record label. In 2015, Billie Eilish (aged 14 then) uploaded her first song “Ocean Eyes” to SoundCloud late one night and got famous overnight. These are amazing times. You can easily record a track, even make a video, write your own biography and organise photos, and put all that information on the web. There are lots of online services which will help you do exactly that. (From: Nicola Slade, How to make music in your bedroom; adapted) Reading for detail a) Check the items on your list from task 1 on page 74 with the information you have read in the text. b) Draw a flow chart showing what you have to do to get your music onto the internet. The items below may give you some ideas. record some basic tracks develop an audio workstation start a profile page add other sounds create a quiet space get a computer put the song online have an idea for a song Decide what needs to be done a) Think what you would need to do to turn this garage into a good space for making your own music. Take a piece of paper and make a list of jobs. Start like this: “Get rid of … .” b) Compare your ideas from a) with your partner’s ideas. What are the differences? Speaking – Paired activity: What does the web mean to DIY musicians? a) Use the text on these two pages and make notes about how the internet is used to publish music. b) Your best friend and you have recently formed a new band with two other classmates. You write your own songs and would like to promote your music. You have 10 minutes to discuss how to best advertise your songs considering the following: • self-publishing your songs online • small live concerts • professional studio-recordings • live open-air festivals • vinyl records Come to a clear decision on how you want to promote your music. 3 4 5 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 75 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv