Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

5 Fake news Fake news a) First match the words on the left with the explanations on the right. b) Then highlight the words in the newspaper article below. 1 to pass on information B✔ A to fool sb. 2 “Chinese whispers” B to talk to sb. about sth. 3 do sth. on purpose C to doubt sth. you hear or read 4 to mislead sb. D a game that involves sharing one idea from person to person 5 to misinform sb. E sb. you believe 6 to go viral F to discover sth. 7 to spot sth. G to do sth. because you want to 8 to influence sb. H to pass on wrong facts to sb. 9 to be skeptical I to change sb.’s opinion 10 trusted source J to quickly become popular Reading: Fake news Read the following newspaper article on fake news. Get real on fake news Sometimes, when we pass on information, a lot of things can go wrong. We could leave out important parts of a story or the person we talk to does not remember every detail. And when this person talks about the story to someone else, it might sound quite different from the original. Names are wrong, places or times are incorrect and we feel like in the children’s game “Chinese whispers”. But although there are more and more mistakes in the story when it is passed from one person to the next, nobody here wants to spread misinformation on purpose. In other cases, though, information is false to begin with, or is presented in a way to mislead an audience. Fake news, in other words, is a story that looks like real news but is in fact not true and should misinform people. Fake news has always been around. People always had reasons to spread false information, such as making money, getting more power or finding more people to support their opinion. But the internet and social media have made it much easier to create and share false or misleading news. The internet lets news “go viral”, that means they are shared like a virus and reach millions of people. “And because news can get really big, really fast, it’s hard for people to check and work out what’s going on because you think, ‘Oh, I’ve seen it so many times, it must be true!’,” said Daniel Donahoo, senior adviser on digital innovation with the Alannah & Madeline Foundation. Apart from that, digital technology lets more and more people post content online. Between all the holiday pictures and pet videos there could also be 1 / 2 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 60 Fifteen minutes of fame Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv