Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

0 In disc golf, people a) toss plastic discs at targets. ✘ b) play music from CDs. c) find targets hidden in parks. d) play golf in discos. 1 A disc golf course a) always has 18 holes. b) has no more than nine holes. c) has between nine and 18 holes. d) has less than nine holes. 2 Hyrum Hart from Indiana a) is president of the Professional Disc Golf Association. b) started playing disc golf in mid-July. c) loves to watch disc golf tournaments. d) is a professional disc golf athlete. 3 Hyrum fell in love with disc golf when he a) watched a professional tournament on TV. b) discovered golf discs among his father’s things. c) talked to his mother about the sport. d) tried it out in PE at school. 4 Hyrum’s parents a) play disc golf themselves. b) are afraid that their son has become too competitive. c) think he should stop professional golfing. d) are proud of their son. “Travel bugs” – a geocaching feature Read the text about “travel bugs”, a geocaching feature, and fill in the adjective in the correct form. Sometimes 1 (lucky) geocachers find a “travel bug” in a cache. Travel bugs are 2 (cool) caches ever. Basically, they are metal dog tags. Yet, they are 3 (special) than other caches because they have their very own tracking number written on to them. You can put one on a 4 (small) toy and drop it into a cache. Other geocachers who find them pick them up and take them to another cache. They post the bug’s number on a website, which then tracks its journey. By checking the miles it has travelled from cache to cache you can find out which cache has had 5 (long) journey. People usually give their bug a 6 (funny) mission, such as “get to Canada by next June”. A junior school in South Wales gave one to each class as part of a geography project and they are tracking each one via the internet at school to see which travels 7 (far). ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄ I can scan longer texts in order to locate desired information, and gather information from different parts of a text, or from different texts in order to fulfil a specific task. (B1) 3 57 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv