Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

4 Writing: A new sport On holiday you have tried out a new sport. Write an e-mail to your Canadian friend telling him/her about your new interest. In your e-mail you should • describe your new sport, • say when, where and with whom you practise it, • tell him/her why you like it. Write around 200 words. Reading: Disc golf is set up for success Read the text about disc golf, a new trend sport for teens, then choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 1–4. Put a cross ( ✘ ) in the correct box. The first one (0) has been done for you. If you’ve walked through your local park recently and seen people throwing brightly colored plastic plates at big baskets, they just might be playing disc golf, a sport that has become more and more popular in recent years. The sport shares many of the same rules as golf: Players throw a disc, pick it up where it lands and throw again. The goal is to hit a basket or target in as few throws as possible. Players then count their strokes and move onto the next hole. Disc golf courses tend to be about nine to 18 holes, varying in length. Hyrum Hart from Fort Wayne, Indiana, won the Professional Disc Golf Association Junior World Championship for players younger than twelve back in mid-July. He became a professional at such a young age when he found some discs in his dad’s garage. “Those discs were like 20 to 25 years old. I used to play years ago, and he found them, and fell in love with the sport immediately,” Hyrum’s father, David Hart, said. “When I wake up at ten at night and I hear the basket chains in the garage because he’s out there putting, and you have to tell him to go bed, I sometimes worry if it’s too much,” David explained. Hyrum’s mother, Ivory, says that she is much more troubled about the person Hyrum is becoming. “For me it’s about the big picture. Is he going to become a good man?” she explained. She added, “I’m not a competitive person so I never thought I’d have this trophy-winning kid.” Trophies or not, the pair of parents are proud of the person that Hyrum is becoming, and some of that Ivory says comes from his time on the course. “Most of all I’m excited about the qualities of sportsmanship that he’s learning,” his mum said. (; adapted) 1 ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄ I can write personal messages describing experiences, feelings and events in some detail. (B1) 2 Now you can • Talk about hobbies, sports and spare time activities. • Give a short presentation. • Use comparatives and superlatives. • Modify comparatives and superlatives. Self-evaluation Tick the buttons on the scale to evaluate your language skills. ➀ I can do it easily and correctly. ➁ I can do most of it but I am not fully sure. ➂ I need to have a look at some things again. ➃ I should go over the whole chapter again. ➄ I need to ask my teacher for help. If you do the tasks again at a later stage, you can add a tick to show your progress. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 56 Free-time activities Check-out Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv