Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

6. Mooing: In the US state of Wisconsin, there is an extremely popular competition where participants imitate the sounds of cows as best as they can. This contest attracts a surprising number of people. Many of them rehearse all year round for this competition. The latest winner was a ten-year-old named Austin who shows a particular talent with this hobby. Austin received $1,000, a cow print jacket, a golden cow bell and a year’s worth of free subs from Cousins Subs when he won at the State Fair. 0 What is most important about hobbies according to the text? that they are fun ✔ 1 How do you get your toy back after you’ve sent it off to a voyage? 2 Why did the inventor of extreme ironing start with his unusual hobby? 3 What are the pensioner’s favourite motifs for his vehicle tattoos? 4 Who is allowed on TV according to the “news-bomber”? 5 Where do collectors of sick bags meet to discuss their hobby? 6 How old was the latest winner of the mooing contest? b) Go back to the text and find: • two people who have appeared on television • two people who have an “artistic” hobby • two people who have no regular job • two people who want to change something c) Quickly present the two people you have found and explain why they match the description. Speaking: Interviews a) In pairs, go online and find out more about the people from the text. Who do you like most and why? b) Prepare to act out an interview between a journalist and one of the interesting people. • Take one of these roles each, practise for your role and then act out the interview in front of the class. • Use phrases from the box on the right. Adjectives a) Go back to the text “Top six of the weirdest hobbies” on page 50 and underline as many adjectives as you can. b) Then copy sentences from the text and insert adjectives where appropriate. • What’s the difference between sentences with adjectives and sentences without adjectives? • Which ones sound better to you? Give reasons for your choice. 3 t Useful phrases Could you tell us more about your favourite hobby? • Do you also think your hobby is unusual or strange? • What made you take up this hobby? • Why is this your favourite hobby? • What do other people think about it? • How long have you had this hobby for? • Has anyone ever told you to stop with your hobby? • Can you make money with your hobby? • What do you need to do this hobby? • Does your hobby require expensive equipment? • Where have you seen/read about this hobby? P 4 70 75 51 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv