Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

the trip and I hope that you will have fun reading my travelogue. If you know Birmingham you might recognise some of the places I’ll describe; if you 3 (not be) there yet, just follow our footsteps for an unforgettable trip! We got to Birmingham by train, leaving from London Marylebone station. During the 1.5 hour journey, some of us 4 (listen) to music, playing with our smartphones or chatting with one another. Suddenly, the train 5 (come) to a halt. What a shock! A confused and disoriented elderly woman had applied the emergency brake and it 6 (take) a few minutes before the train continued its journey. After we 7 (arrive) in Birmingham, we made our way to the hostel. It is very close to the oldest part of the city. The houses in the area 8 (look) rather run down though, but you mustn’t forget that Birmingham 9 (have) a long tradition as an industrial city with many working-class areas. The hostel, however, was great. They even have PlayStation sets and Xbox consoles there. So every evening we 10 (play) against our teachers at Gran Turismo and FIFA. Needless to say that they didn’t stand a chance! b) Read the rest of the text about Birmingham. Some words are missing. Complete the text by writing one word for each gap (1–10) in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. We spent the rest of the first day in the city. Did you … 0 that Birmingham has its own Chinatown? It’s not very big, but still really cool. After our teacher had … 1 us much more than we had ever wanted to know about Asian immigrants in the UK, we were allowed to walk around on our own. Some of us went to a Chinese “all you can eat” buffet. My friend Russell … 2 so much that the manager nearly threw him out! On our third day in Birmingham, our teachers took us to a theme park. I have … 3 almost every theme park there is on this planet, so you can trust me if I say that Drayton Manor really is worth a visit. There are 35 rides and a 15 acre zoo. I’m all into thrill rides, so I … 4 out the “G Force” rollercoaster first thing in the morning. That was a good decision because the queuing time was more than an hour later in the day. While my friends were … 5 to get on the ride, I went to the 4D cinema. We … 6 expect it could get any cooler after Drayton Manor, but our teachers did surprise us. We went to Cadbury World – the huge chocolate factory south of the city centre. Our tour guide … 7 us all about the history of chocolate and the Cadbury company. Then we could get a brief look at some of the factory floors. I tell you, if I worked there, I’d eat half the stuff myself! … 8 we were watching the workers, a Cadbury employee went round and … 9 us free chocolate. It was like heaven, really. On the next day, we had to go … 10 again. Time passed much too quickly. But I’m sure I’ll return to Birmingham one day. I think it’s quite a cool place! 0 know ✔ 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 45 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv