Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

3 Buying a travel pass You are staying near Birmingham for a week. You want to do some sightseeing in the city on Saturday. The first place you want to go to is the National Sealife Centre, which opens at 10:00 a.m. Which is the best travel ticket to buy if you don’t know the city well? Discuss this question with your partner and agree on one of the options. Metro/Bus day tickets Valid for unlimited use for one day, all day on the Metro1 and all Travel West Midlands buses in the West Midlands County2. Buy it on the bus or tram. Adult: £4.60 Child: £3.05 n-network one day card Valid for unlimited use for one day on all train, bus and Metro services within the Centro3 area. Buy it at the station, on the bus or tram. Adult: £6.10 Child: £4.90 Metro daytripper Valid for unlimited travel on the Metro after 9:30 a.m. from Monday to Friday, and all day on Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays. Buy it on the tram. Adult: £4.00 Child: £3.00. n-network daytripper Valid for unlimited use for one day on all train, bus and Metro services within the Centro area. Valid from 9:30 onwards (MO–FR) and all day at weekends. Buy it at the station, on the bus or tram. Adult: £4.90 Child: £3.10 Writing: An e-mail of complaint You have just come back from a school trip to an English speaking country. The following things went wrong: • Your host family did not show any interest in you. • You missed your return flight because the minibus which should have taken you to the airport was delayed by three hours. Write an e-mail of complaint to the company offering the trip. Language in use: Our trip to Birmingham a) Complete the text about a school trip to Birmingham with the correct tense forms. Last week, my class 1 (go) to Birmingham to visit Britain’s second largest city and its sights and attractions. Birmingham was once known as the “Workshop of the World” because a lot of factories were built there during the industrial revolution in the 18th century. I really 2 (enjoy) 1 Metro: a tram service operating one line between Wolverhampton and Birmingham 2 West Midlands County: an area including Birmingham and outlying towns 3 Centro: the authority responsible for public transport in the West Midlands County 1 ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄ I can maintain a conversation or discussion but may sometimes be difficult to follow when trying to say exactly what I would like to. (B1) 2 ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄ I can write […] e-mails describing experiences, feelings and events in some detail. (B1) 3 Now you can • Deal with typical tourist issues (choice of destination, buying tickets, ordering food in a restaurant, shopping and emergencies). • Complain politely. • Report about a travel experience. • Talk about past events using simple and progressive forms. Self-evaluation Tick the buttons on the scale to evaluate your language skills. ➀ I can do it easily and correctly. ➁ I can do most of it but I am not fully sure. ➂ I need to have a look at some things again. ➃ I should go over the whole chapter again. ➄ I need to ask my teacher for help. If you do the tasks again at a later stage, you can add a tick to show your progress. 44 Travelling the world Check-out Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv