Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

3 Shopping Research: The most popular souvenirs Go online and research the most popular souvenirs from the UK. • Write down six items which are very popular among tourists. • Compare your list with a partner and check if you have the same items on your list. • Discuss which of these items you would buy yourself and for who. • In your discussion give reasons for your choice. • Compare your ideas in class. Reading: How to buy souvenirs a) Read the text below and underline the three most useful tips. Most tourists bring back souvenirs from their journeys; small items to help them remember their holidays or as gifts for friends and family. Yet, many of these memorabilia end up somewhere on a shelf or are thrown away after a short time. To avoid that, just follow the few simple steps of our how-to guide on buying souvenirs. Stay off the beaten path. Look for souvenir shops off high streets or main roads. Go to a small museum – they often have really interesting little gift shops. Think about the culture of the city you’re visiting. In Amsterdam, everybody uses bikes, so you can find and buy incredible biking gear. That way, every place has that extra thing that they do really well. Ask for advice. Ask hotel staff or waiters at a bar or a restaurant for suggestions on where to buy souvenirs. They know where to get really cool stuff, such as flea markets where you might find unusual items like old postcards, maps or items by local craftworkers. Be organised. Start before the trip by making a list of people for whom you intend to buy gifts – loved ones, colleagues and others. Store your list on your mobile so you can tick people off as the trip unfolds. Always buy gifts for those going the extra mile for you while you are away, such as your dog-sitter or the people looking after your house. Also buy little things for colleagues. Think carefully about people’s interests. To avoid buying gifts that friends end up shoving in the back of the closet think carefully about their likes and habits. You will buy the best souvenir when you think about what they use and do on a daily basis. If a friend enjoys cooking for example, unusual or exotic spices often make a terrific gift. Discover a culture through food. Eating is the most immediate way to experience a culture, so many great souvenirs are food-related. It pays off to hunt down an item typical of a region. Weird, interesting candies in crazy flavours or fun packaging that you ouldn’t find at home are always a hit. Finally, enjoy what you’re doing. Try not to get too stressed about souvenir shopping. It should always remain an enjoyable complement to a trip. No matter what you buy for your friends, they’re going to be really grateful that you have even thought of them on your vacation. b) Discuss in pairs: Which of these tips do you find most useful? Give reasons. c) Think of one of your friends or somebody from your family. What kind of souvenir would you buy for them? d) In pairs, present your choice to your partner and explain why you have chosen it. 1 t 2 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 42 Travelling the world Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv