Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

When things go wrong Listening: We need help! Listen to the phone calls from Bianca and Peter. Then say in what situation each of them is and what information the operator asks them for. Role play: Make an emergency call Choose one of the situations and practise making an emergency call. Take turns to be the emergency operator. • Say which service you need. • Say where you are calling from. • Give important facts. • Be ready to answer questions. • Try to stay calm and speak clearly. You are passing a shoe shop as a man holding a bag comes running out. There are shouts of “Stop the thief!” from inside. You saw the man clearly and can describe him. You are walking through a park with a friend in the early evening. You find a young man lying on the ground. He can’t speak or move. Nobody else is around. You and your friend were driving along the A61. About a mile outside Clay Cross the car skidded and hit a tree. You got out, but your friend is trapped inside. You and your friends are having a picnic near the River Dee west of Chester. A boy has fallen into the river and has been carried away by the very fastflowing water. Listening: At the doctor’s Listen to this conversation between a doctor and a young patient. Look out for phrases which are often used in such a conversation and write them down in your learning journal. Passing on information You and a friend are on holiday in Britain. Your friend tripped and fell over this morning, hitting her head. She said she was OK, but now at lunchtime she doesn’t feel well; she is dizzy and feels sick. You go to the Accident and Emergency Department of the hospital with her. a) While you are waiting to see a doctor, make a note of all the things they might need to know about your friend. Think of: • personal details: name, home address, ID, health insurance • where you are staying, contact phone number, e-mail • any medication, allergies • what happened • how she has been feeling since • what she has had to eat or drink in the last few hours b) Act out the scene with the doctor who treats your friend. IN AN EMERGENCY CALL 999 (OR 112) Fire + Police + Ambulance + Coastguard + Cave/Mountain Rescue + Call 999 (or 112) from a landline or mobile. + Tell the operator which emergency service you need. + The operator will then connect you. + The emergency service will ask for specific information. 1 c08–09 2 Useful phrases The police/fire brigade/ambulance service please! • I’m calling from … . • There has been/I’ve just seen an accident. • … don’t/ doesn’t feel well. • There’s a fire/a burglar in/at … . • A man/child/… is hurt/trapped. • It looks really bad/dangerous … . • Sorry, I don’t know/can’t tell you that. P 3 c10 j 4 Useful phrases Can you give me your personal details? • What is the problem? • How can I help you? • Where does it hurt? • How long have you had this problem? • Do you feel sick/ dizzy? • Do you take any medication? • Have you got any allergies you know of? • Can you explain what happened? • Have you had this problem before? P 41 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv