Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

3 Listening: Ordering take-away food You are going to listen to Morris, who is calling a pizza take-away to order a meal. First you will have 45 seconds to study the task below, then you will hear the recording twice. While listening, choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each question (1–4). Put a cross ( ✘ ) in the correct box. The first one (0) has been done for you. 0 Morris wants to order a meal for a) next Sunday evening. b) the same evening. ✘ c) lunch next day. d) five o’clock. 1 The woman at the take-away asks him for a) his address only. b) his phone number only. c) the number of his flat and his e-mail address. d) his address and phone number. 2 Morris orders a) two pizzas and a salad. b) two vegetarian pizzas and one lasagna. c) a lasagna and two pizzas. d) two pizzas and a large lasagna. 3 The woman says that a) he can have a dessert if he wants to. b) he can order a salad if he feels like it. c) he cannot add extra toppings to the pizzas. d) they don’t do artichokes. 4 She says a) he should pay at once by credit card. b) the delivery man does not take credit cards. c) it’s a problem to pay the delivery man. d) he can pay on delivery. Role play: At a restaurant Work in a small group. One of you plays the waiter/waitress. The others have to think what they would like to eat and drink and find appropriate responses to what the waiter/waitress says. Act out different scenes. 7 c07 8 Useful phrases Waiter/Waitress Would you like to sit here/near the window? • Can I get you something to drink? • Here’s the menu. Today’s specials are on the board. • Are you ready to order? • Can I take your order? • How would you like your steak? Medium or rare? • All the main courses come with chips or rice and vegetables. • Can I get you a dessert? • Would you like coffee/anything else? Customer Can we have a table for five, please/sit near the window? • Can you bring us the menu, please? • Do you have any vegetarian dishes? • Could I have a small mixed/green salad, please? • Can you show us the dessert menu, please? • Do you have any ice-cream? • Can we have the bill, please? • Do you take cards? P 40 Travelling the world Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv