Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

Statements T F Justification 0 In big cities, it is usually easy to find a restaurant that is not like most of the others. ✘ Like many major cities 1 Dans Le Noir is a popular restaurant. 2 When people don’t see the food, they can better concentrate on its taste. 3 In the Bustronome there are no tables on the ground floor. 4 You can choose if you want to order with a waiter or through a computer system at Inamo. 5 You need to use your imagination when you try to understand the menu at Lost Boys Pizza. 6 Every pizza is brought to you on a porcelain platter. 7 The owners of The Fire Station built their restaurant to look like a garage for old fire engines. Writing: Research: Fancy restaurants a) With the help of the internet, find out more about the restaurants that are described in the text above. Make sure that you: • describe additional features of these restaurant • find out more about their menus b) With a partner, decide which of these restaurants you would like to visit together if money was not an issue. Writing: Recommending a restaurant Write a short e-mail to a friend and recommend your favourite restaurant. In your e-mail, you should • describe the restaurant you want to recommend, • give reasons for your choice, • suggest a time when you could go there together. Finding the right restaurant for a friend You are planning to invite a friend out for dinner. As you are not sure where to go, you study the menus of restaurants in your area. a) Look at the menu on the right and make a list of dishes that are suitable for: • a vegetarian friend who eats neither fish nor meat • a friend who eats meat, but not fish b) Choose a meal for each of them and one for yourself and present it to your partner. Vocabulary Work with a partner. Collect words from the menu for different ways of cooking food. Use a dictionary to find any other cooking methods you know of and add the list to your learning journal. 3 t 4 5 Starters O Spinach soup garnished with smoked salmon O Smoked mackerel pâté and salad garnish O Mixed salad with goat’s cheese and peppers Main courses O Roast leg of Welsh lamb* O Grilled pork chops accompanied by baked apple* O *nocabypsircdeirf-naphtiwssabaesdemaetS O Broccoli and asparagus quiche* O Thai chicken curry and rice O Rump steak* (*served with new potatoes and a choice of seasonal vegetables) Desserts O Fresh fruit salad O Home-made blackberry and apple crumble O Ice cream (vanilla, strawberry, coffee, chocolate) The Old Mill j 6 39 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv